---ITEM--- Regular Blog Reader HEAVEN has suffered the loss of her mother. Our prayers and good thoughts go out to her and her family.
---ITEM--- Candygramma's stupid, illiterate attack blog is now almost pure comedy- nobody on there knows anything or makes any sense. Our bad thoughts and ill wishes go out to CG and the gang.
---ITEM--- The 1970 documentary MANSON supposedly will play on the internet tonight on a teeny tiny screen. The Col doesn't believe it. but Mark Turner does. I'm trying to sell him a bridge.
---ITEM---Look- something from the internet graveyard!
---ITEM--- This reminds me- I used to have heated email exchanges between me and Jenn Oakley at the Yahoo KTS site. She was a smug, ignorant bitch who liked to ban the Col. The Col liked to ask why the hell she'd want (since she was in the military) her friends going overseas to lose their lives in a stupid pointless war. She'd always attack me in ignorant ways. Well, Jenn, I am still here, making tons of money, having EintDave drive me around and married to a supermodel. You got any friends left or are they all over in Iraq getting blown up for oil?
---ITEM--- I encourage people to blog, and here is one that did. Unfortunately she was full of shit and went away.
---ITEM--- When was the last time this crap website was updated? Is Deb too busy dancing with her father's urn?
Can't stop the happy, boys and girls!
The latest developments in the pending war with Iran:
Iranian Military on "High Alert".
Also ...
Thank you Col, I appreciate it..
I only got to watch about 20 minutes of the Manson Movie last night.
Was there anything new?
It looked like the same film from the original Hendrickson release?
no it looks pretty lame
is that something you did?
your other stuff was better
Nope, i thought that was something you did :-) He has a few clips promoting one of Don's projects that he's rolling out in 2007.
Windows Movie Maker is actually a nice little utility program. You can do some fun things with it and it's really not that hard to use.
What i like about this is that it gives anyone who hasn't had the chance to make out it there the opportunity to see what it's like and to get a feel for what the area looks like.
Yeah well, again, I am not some producer, and I actually have someone else upload the videos and shit- I am not very good on computers sad to say- so I couldn't even do your slideshows
MsMummerysDeadMother said...
"Although, I DON'T mind in the least other people who want to use my name. Knock yourselves out...it's great publicity for the band and the more Dead Mothers of Ms. Mummery posting out there in internet land the better.
Just please don't use the name to say shit like that to Heaven... that's not cool."
Is this your only troll name?
Isn't this the board that 60skid got booted from? It's an interesting read but it doesn't do me any good.
** From the Official Sharon Tate Message Board **
Inmate Watson is coming up for parole on November 27, 2006....our
leters of protest need to be in to Sacramento, Ca. by November 17, 2006.
Here is the info you will need:
This is who you need to address your letter to and where the letters need to be sent.
Margarita Perez
Board of Prison Terms
1515 K Street
Suite 600
Sacramento, CA 95814
Also include in the header of your letter this Inmates information:
RE:Charles Watson
CDC# B-37999
Parole Hearing: November 27, 2006
Any questions at all, please ask me!!! Rememebr letters from all over
the WORLD count....you DO NOT have to be from the US to write a
Inmate Watson has a large "fan" base with his supposed Christian
ministry, who also write support letters in his defense... ...we need
to really step up and show the Parole Board that he should NEVER be
released from prison.
Just wanted to give y'all a head's up on this one..if anything
changes, we will let you know...
We apologize if you receive this email two times ....we are sending it to both of Sharon's Official Messsage Boards.
You are receiving this message because you are a member of the forum located at: http://sharontate.proboards15.com/index.cgi
>>>My wife is a beautiful woman and to see a braggart that claims too be married to a model, how much pleasure can that be for you, knowing she's in bed with you for your status, if you have any, and sooner or later she will get old just like you. Most likely leave you for a richer man to pay for her botox and plastic surgery and her plastic life.<<<
Colscott and his Supermodel wife just got "Slam Dunked" LOL
I can still that rim vibrating on that one :-)
>>>Truth be told every damn one of the murderers in prison should have gotten the damn electric chair and I feel no pity for them. They all can rot in hell, as we work and pay taxes for these KILLERS to eat and sleep and get free medical care at OUR expense.I say KILL THEM ALL AND LET GOD SORT THEM OUT!<<<
I half agree with this if he's talking about Tex Watson and Pat Krenwinkel.
>>>Take heed meatwad, I will take legal course if it does come that, if you continue to slander my wife and post personal info.
No empty threats here , just a heads up for you.
Get a life .<<<
Meatwad is definetly walking a fine line ...... Identity theft is being taken seriously and hiding behind an internet name won't save him. He can very easily be identified and eaten for dinner by a good lawyer.
>>>Charles Manson is a waste of MY money .<<<
He's also made other people very very rich. Vincent Bugliosi for one.
Salem said...
"I have sat here and read so many demeaning things you have posted about my wife and personally it seems to me that you are jealous of her."
Salaam...if that husband of yours finds out about your stupid meanderings on the internet using that computer....I GUARANTY HE WILL TOSS IT OUT THE F'N WINDOW INTO THE BACK YARD INSTANTLY!!!
It will become a "yard computer" along side of your "yard cars".
Oh wait, you got the yard cars in the front...so it will be mixed in with the tin cans and the other rubbish.
Just curious, do y'all have a double or single wide trailer?
That Lurch picture is too much.
Lurch was such a mellow, low-key kind of guy.
Uncle Fester on the other hand was a trip but nobody kept his head on straight better than Gomez.
helter said:
>>>So Salem poses as her husband to send out warnings LOL that is some funny shit.<<<
Didn't sound like Salem. Sounded like someone that would give Lurch an asswhipping if the opportunity presented itself :-)
Regrdless of what your personal views are, I read this Blog every day. I am researching this event and everyhting involved with it. I really appreciate your site. It should be renamed the best manson family site around. I would love to hear from anyone with an interest in this subject. Pro and con. I myself am just a hungry learner and can't seem to find enough information on the family. Feel free to contact me.
Col., keep up the great work!!!!!!!
I appreciate you!
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