Parole debated for Charles Manson follower Bruce Davis
The Associated PressSACRAMENTO Charles Manson's followers should never be freed from prison for the string of brutal slayings they committed in 1969, the sister of murdered actress Sharon Tate said outside a California parole hearing. Bruce Davis, now a 63-year-old prison preacher with a doctorate in religion and philosophy, participated in the Manson family's first murder. Manson doctored the crime scene in a vain attempt to trigger a race war, a pattern he and his followers repeated in the slayings of the pregnant Tate, grocery store chain owner Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary, and four others. "These people were all declared to be sociopaths. There is no recovery from this kind of mental illness," said Debra Tate, who lives in the Los Angeles area and is the last surviving member of her immediate family. "I'm concerned for the safety of the community." The horrific nature of the crimes is what keeps them fascinating for the public 37 years later, Tate said Tuesday: "It's very fresh in my mind." Davis is serving a double life sentence for two first-degree murder convictions and has been denied parole 22 times since he became eligible for release in 1977. A decision on his current appeal is expected next month. Davis was not involved in the Tate-LaBianca murders. He was convicted with Manson and others in the cult's first murder, that of musician Gary Hinman in his Topanga Canyon home, and in the later slaying of former stuntman Donald "Shorty" Shea, who lived at the Spahn movie ranch in Chatsworth where Manson had his commune. "They tried to make it look as if a Black Panther did (the Hinman murder) to start a race war," Los Angeles County Assistant Head Deputy District Attorney Patrick Sequeira said outside Tuesday's hearing. "That was the first time that they wrote 'political piggy' on the wall with the paw print of the Black Panthers, to try to blame it on blacks in general." Beth Davis said the man she married in prison is being unfairly punished for his relationship with Manson when he was a young man addled by drugs. "He was forced by Manson" to participate in the slayings, she said. "They all got involved, and there's no denying it." Yet Davis is a changed man who has served a prison sentence far longer than those convicted of similar crimes, several family members and prison counselors told the parole board. The entire Board of Prison Terms is hearing Davis' parole appeal because the commissioner and deputy commissioner assigned to his case split on their decision after an Aug. 31 hearing. That hearing was held at the California Men's Colony in San Luis Obispo, where Davis is imprisoned. He was not present during Tuesday's hearing. Manson and others convicted in the Tate-La Bianca killings have routinely been denied parole. But a Manson follower convicted with Davis in Shea's murder, Steve Grogan, was paroled after leading police to the victim's body.
It's way too convenient to lay the blame at someone else's feet.
Sometimes you just have to suck it up and take responsibility for what you do and what you say.
Sure, even someone like me who's often controversial is entitled to his opinion and I don't blame my beliefs and my philosophies on someone else.
You stand by your convictions and you draw the line on what's right in your mind.
I can't stand all this politically correct ass kissing shit that people are so wrapped up in today.
What the hell happened to people today? Why are they so spinless and shapeless when it comes to standing up and fighting for what they believe in?
In Bruce's case, he's smart enough to know that blaming someone else isn't the way to go, but I don't think that keeping people locked up just because of the Manson name is right either.
This is the same kind of crap that the country of Peru has done to Lori Berenson because of her "ALLEGED" ties to the MRTA group which have never been proven.
Guilt by association is where the justice system walks a very fine line in defining the definition of guilt.
My question to the board would be, "How dangerous is a 63 year old man"?
He obviously has a wife and child who stand by him, as does Bobby Beausoleil, so in my eyes why are these people still being held?
Answer ... Because the State of Mexifornia is no better than Communist Cuba and it's about as corrupt as any third world nation that you'll see.
Mexifornia is about as close to a socialist paradise as you can get in what was once a democracy.
It may be a nice place to visit but ask yourself if you'd really want to live there.
Gray Davis was too busy playing cops and robbers and locking people up on a whim that he wasn't concerned about the corruption and incompetance that engulfed the state. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger can't fix that mess withount having to "Terminate" everyone in government.
Looking for a fair trial or justice in Mexifornia?
You won't find it.
I wonder how Debra Tate was allowed to go to the hearing although she did not testify since Bruce has never been charged as having to do anything with the Tate murders.
Slaveage Follower said,
"Gray Davis was too busy playing cops and robbers and locking people up on a whim that he wasn't concerned about the corruption and incompetance that engulfed the state. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger can't fix that mess withount having to "Terminate" everyone in government.
Looking for a fair trial or justice in Mexifornia?
You won't find it."
What do you care? You dont live here.
Meathead said:
>What do you care? You dont live here. <
As long as Mexifornia is part of the United States, I CARE ... so should you.
As long as my tax dollars are finding their way to that third world shithole, it is a concern of mine.
If i were President Bush, i'd drastically reduce funding for federal projects for the state of Mexifornia until that state legislature got its act together.
Mexifornia has the highest per capita tax rate in the nation and many people who could leave have already left because they're fed up with the amount of taxes that they're paying to fund these social benefit programs for illegals.
Things are so bad down there in Mexifornia that the joke going around is that if you want healthcare benefits that you can afford, you have to cross into Mexico and then sneak back across the border and claim you're an illegal immigrant.
George W. Bush should tell Mexifornia to clean up the corruption or it's "Adios Amigo" to it's statehood. He can give it to Jacinte Fox who i'm sure could do a better job in taking care of the mess.
The taxes are ridiculous in Mexifornia and there's just no end to it, thus you have many people leaving the state just to get away from having the local govt take all of your money.
Don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful state. You have the mountains, the desert and the ocean all rolled up into one package and even I had a great time out there.
The house prices out there are even higher than they are in New York if you can believe it but that state has some real social issues as well as corruption that almost makes it resemble some cheap third world dictatorship.
I heard all about the border guards on the take and it goes to show you how far gone we are as a nation.
If you're rich, you can live a good life out in Mexifornia in spite of the high taxes and other issues, but if you're middle class .... you're lucky if you can just get by.
In Mexifornia, you make it, they take it.
Do you really think that Cruz Bustamonte would have done better than Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Gray Davis ran that state like Daniel Ortega ran Nicaragua.
Bribery, corruption and high taxes = No quality of life.
God forbid your elderly and trying to make ends meet in Mexifornia. You end up as roadkill in your golden years.
Chasing Beers said,
"Ya can't have bonfires and beer parties on the beaches here anymore, you could be arrested, if you smoke you are treated like you're some kind of filthy beast."
You act like its a right to drink beer in public. And what follows? Urinating on the beach and putting the public in danger when you drive home under the influence.
And Im glad your foul smoke from bonfires and cigs has been curbed. Heavy smokers do smell like crap.
And you leave your friggin' butts off the beach. California is a better place without your kind, get your butts to the desert where your antisocial behavior can't affect us.
CB said:
>Not only that Savage, but our rights to have fun are being taken away like crazy. California is a naturally beautiful state but guess what? Ya can't have bonfires and beer parties on the beaches here anymore, you could be arrested, if you smoke you are treated like you're some kind of filthy beast. You can't have fun here anymore.<
This is the kind of thing that Michael Savage has been warning us about for many years now. I think it's probably more obvious in the state of Mexifornia than in any other state because the crazy democrats over these are so gung-ho on their socialist agenda that they're not worried about being discreet.
I've heard some of the horror stories and I knew all too well that Gray Davis and his lock-em up and throw away the key program was only a sign of things to come.
I thought the state was beautiful and I enjoyed being there for a time but under all that beauty is a world of hurt and they've got some real problems over there.
I think we're all on borrowed time and I think that enjoying life now is probably not a bad idea because what lies ahead isn't pretty.
I've heard Dr. Savage mention only the other day that there are 3 carrier battlegroups in the persian gulf area now and that war is coming, possibly as soon as right after the November elections and this one could be nuclear in nature. I think George W. Bush is going to take care of business because he knows that the democrats won't and this one is going to be real ugly, both at home and abroad.
So as Iran and North Korea slowly burn, I think i'll just put on the White Album and the Moody Blues and take things one day at a time.
Slaveage to Savage said,
"I've heard Dr. Savage mention only the other day that there are 3 carrier battlegroups in the persian gulf area now and that war is coming, possibly as soon as right after the November elections and this one could be nuclear in nature. I think George W. Bush is going to take care of business because he knows that the democrats won't and this one is going to be real ugly, both at home and abroad."
You live your life in fear...and you have found someone to consume you with more fear, Michael Savage.
Quit fearing so much. Homos and Koreans aint gonna jump outa da bushes at cha.
Scared ya...hahahhahah! And I'm straight and aryan.
Hey, Slaveage!
The Rockies (Rocky Mountain High) are 500 miles away from Spahn.
Laughing my ass off to tears!!!
Laughing at your tribute to George, too....buwahhahahahah!!!
Now please stay out of California.
Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy, too!
Thanks for the laughs...I haven't laughed this hard in ages.
Meathead said:
>>>The Rockies (Rocky Mountain High) are 500 miles away from Spahn.Buwhahhahahahaha!!!!
Laughing my ass off to tears!!!<<<
You're too ignorant for someone to take seriously.
You're what i call a one dimensional thinker living in a multidimensional world.
You seem to like my videos enough to want to watch them. Try going there someday instead if you can take your nose out of the books.
Life was meant to be "Lived" not "Read about".
Meathead said:
>>You live your life in fear...and you have found someone to consume you with more fear, Michael Savage.<<
Quite the contrary. Any man of intelligence can see what's in front of us. I pity people like you, because when the hammer does fall, and it will, you're gonna shit your pants when you find out for the first time in your life that your own survival now depends solely upon you alone.
The Chinese govt alone, right now, could recall all of their debt and dump all of our treasury notes back on us and send this country into an overnight depression without firing a shot. That would probably tank most peoples life savings and you'll find yourself eating out of garbage cans.
Hey, didn't somebody we know do that once before?
I really don't think that people realize just how serious this is.
Let's say that "W" decides to put his cowboy boots back on and drop a few tactical nukes on some Iranian nuclear sites, we may very well see one of our own cities back here at home end up the same way as it's been said many times that Al-Qaeda has briefcase nukes here in the United States and that they will be used.
We'll win, but the cost in lives will be heirendous and we won't walk away without feeling it here at home.
Paul Williams has published many articles and even a book about what he refers to as "Operation Hiroshima" which is Al-Qaeda's plan to detonate nuclear briefcases in as many as 8 american cities simultaneously.
All they need to do is take out New York and the whole financial backbone of the western world goes up in smoke and your money becomes instantly worthless.
I believe Michael Savage when he says that war is close at hand because he has sources of his own that are "In the know".
So prepare ....
salem said:
>>Fear is awareness.
Have you ever seen the coyote in the desert? Watching, tuned in, completely aware. Christ on the cross, the coyote in the desert — it’s the same thing, man. The coyote is beautiful. He moves through the desert delicately, aware of everything, looking around. He hears every sound, smells every smell, sees everything that moves. He’s in a state of total paranoia, and total paranoia is total awareness.” <<
I agree with you 100% on that. There appears to be two trains of thought going around today. There are people who sense that something's wrong and sense that there's danger in the wind and then you have the other class of people that can't see beyond what their eyes show them. These are the weak minded fools that will perish because they were not chosen to survive. They'll perish along with the rest of their money worshiping brethern and what comes after will build a new world; a new society. A society that returns to nature and is closer to the land and to the way that life was meant to be lived.
It's almost right out of prophecy. I can't recall who said this specifically, it may have been Edgar Casey, but there was a verse in a propechy that went something like:
"Born among us will be a generation who will fulfill their own destiny of self destruction".
All you have to do is look at these people and these kids today and what you see is the look of defeatism. They have no sense of nationalism; no pride. They've been taught to be tolerant and sensitive to others. They stink of weakness.
I can hear Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad quoting Adolf Hitler when he mocked Soviet Russia and said "All you have to do is kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down".
This is the world's view of America and it's culture.
The American people today are going to have to suck it up and make like the Russian 62nd Army at Stalingrad and fight to the death and earn the respect of our adversaries.
Strength through Weakness doesn't work Mr. Bush ...... Fear keeps the Empire in tact and creates a peace that's lasting.
Meathead said:
>>>Scared ya...hahahhahah! And I'm straight and aryan.<<<
Isn't that interesting. Germany sure isn't what it once was.
You're probably the only straight Aryan that's left. I haven't seen to many of those.
Then again, being raped and sodomized by Communist Russia for almost 45 years might have had alot to do with it too.
The German's of 1942 that died in the snow's of Stalingrad at least died with honor. The 6th army was considered one of the best in the world. These were the same guys that marched under the Arc De Triumphe when Paris Fell in 1940.
Today, you have frauline Merkel and her femanized EU partners trying to decide whether it's a good idea for Dutch Soldiers to have prostitutes acompanying them on military assignments.
Ya gotta love the Europeans. What a bunch of degenerates.
Read all about it:
I didn't even know the Dutch had a military force. I was under the impression that their whole nation was one big red light district.
I can still remember seeing pictures of the German Paratroopers in WWII dropping in on the Dutch and watching them fold up like a cheap suit and surrender. They actually thought they'd remain neutral.
The Aryans may have had some steller moments, but like the old saying goes, "What have you done for me lately?"
I wonder if Herr Merckel will consider rebuilding Sachsenhausen and rounding up the muslim crusaders to at least attempt to clean up her own backyard and restore a little aryan pride in the face of the islamic invasion of europe which is already well under way.
They rape you financially and then they lock you away for trivial offenses.
I'll bet they'd give you 30 days for spitting on a public sidewalk and that probably counts as 1 strike on that stupid 3 strikes and you're in policy.
If a Mexifornia Police Officer walks up to you, the only way to protect yourself is to use a spanish accent and say the following:
"Me immigrant, you racist, I sue, ACLU"
Trust me, the cop probably couldn't get out of there fast enough.
helterskelter said:
>>>Meat is the only one here that makes any sense. Salem is touched and Savage has too much time on his hands.<<<
Another loser chimes in.
In case you weren't aware of it, I'm the product of my own success.
Unlike you, who probably lives off of welfare and foodstamps, i went out into the world and took what i wanted because i had the drive and determination to do so.
I came, I saw, I conquered .... end of story.
Why don't you go back to that other loser forum where that dipshit webmaster who thinks he's knows everything about nothing hangs out. Obviously another one of his FAILED projects.
Isn't it funny how there are so many so-called Net programmers out of work. You think they'd be smart enough to find a way to remain employed.
Ah...too bad Abbie Hoffmann isn't around to kick Michael Savage's ass all the way back to Berkeley!
Salem, dudette, if you truly believe that Robin Williams made those comments then I have a whole lot of prime Florida real estate I can sell you...real cheap too! Urban Legend, my dear. You can't believe everything you read...most of what you hear and half of what you see...Michael Savage being only perhaps the latest best example
...oh and present company definitely not excluded...
This must be the training film for the California Department of Corrections.
I thought the jury selection was quite interesting.
Salem the pig farmer said,
" Also I have yet to see where the Col doesnt NOT like me."
Ah doesnt NOT have seen any indikation he likes you either.
Hope dat makes dayum cents.
How dem taters and peanuts lookin' dis here year?
Salem the pig farmer said,
"I weigh 100lbs , so what!"
Like ah imageened...you are a light wait.
How tall you?....Five foot?
Dayum...didnt know you could stack bullshit that high.
heltershelter said:
>>>Savage, since you have all the answers why don't you get up off your fat ass and start doing something to better the state of CA. All you do is sit in here bitching about how bad it is.<<<
If Michael Savage ever ran for President, I would gladly offer to run for Vice President. I've said this 100 times and believe me when i tell you that i'd flush this backed up toilet called America.
I'm radical islam's worst nightmare. George W Bush may be hesitant to use our Nuclear Arsenal but i'd personally give the order to carry out a nuclear pearl harbor on every major islamic capital. The Russians and Chinese would shit their pants when they see the hell i'd turn lose on those demons in dirty night sheets. What the initial attack doesn't kill, the radioactive fall out will finish off. They'll be eating eachother for dinner a week later.
As far as Mexifornia is concerned, I suggested that the President drastically reduce funding for Federal Projects for Mexifornia until the Governor is able to restore fiscal order to the state. That's just for starters.
No Gay Wedding Cake(Marriage), No Driver's licences for Illegals, No Welfare or healthcare for illegals and heavy fines for companies that hire illegals. These are just a few other ideas that i have for a new state-wide renaissance plan.
>>>Stop turning this blog into your personal political soapbox.
You're stupid and boring. I'm betting you're fat too.<<<
The Col's blog has become a Munich Beer Hall, but only because of the stench of cowardice amongst it's Weimar Republic membership.
Don't make bets you can't cover .... I'm not fat at all. Another incorrect observation by a person with an inferior intellect.
Salem the pig farmer said,
"I also finished college. As did my husband, ( you didnt spell his name correctly."
What dayum college gragitated you?
Maybe they been finished with you and yew did not nows it.
Ah finished a college in art class.
Glued a bunch of stuff on dis here paper.
Slaveage Follower said,
"Don't make bets you can't cover .... I'm not fat at all. Another incorrect observation by a person with an inferior intellect."
I have seen you. No you don't look fat...just a punk.
Who beats up women on the internet in blogs.
Wimpy boy.
Slaveage Follower said,
"Nope, just a self made guy who doesn't take any shit from idiots.
Those that want respect give respect.
That goes for men and women."
You are a follower...you get your directions from some idiot named Savage on a radio.
You deserve no respect.
Self-made? You made yourself into a minion...a follower. You found someone to speak FOR you.
Soak in it. It fits you.
"Rocky Mountain High,,,,Colorado"
everbody join in...
"Sittin' round a campfire..everybody highhhhhhhhh...."
I still think Colscott should require people to "REGISTER" to have access to his blog.
This should cut down on the phoney ID's that keep popping up ... all of which can be traced back to a foraplex forum.
The childish name calling is so minor league that it really takes away from any serious dialog.
If Meathead is Cat or Syn, they really should just stay in that dead end hole they've created, you know, the one that nobody goes to.
I'd done replying to the idiots. You'll never win an argument with someone who hasn't mastered the process of independant thought.
Salem said:
>>I guess it pretty damn boring there, so they have to come here to display their silly asinine antics .<<
People like that are just a complete waste of time. They're life's bottom feeders and they just come here and attack because they really have nothing else to do. They're unimportant and irrelevant.
I kept hearing about how great this new forum of theirs was supposed to be, but it looks like it's already become internet roadkill. I guess the novalty wore off or maybe the people running the place don't have the appeal you need to make a successful forum.
Colscott's place isn't quite the Taj-Mahal, but at least there's some intersting things to see here once in a while.
At least it's not one of those "All Tate, All the Time" places.
A special video for all of you "Cat" lovers.
This is part 1 of the Cat Lover series.
Salem said,
"I will be back after the trolls go back"
You got it so wrong. Your statement should read:
"I am one of the biggest trolls I admit it. I should leave but my life is so boring I am staying but I have to stop posting and just lurk for awhile because everybody is discovering what an idiot I am."
Lol, salem on truth serum.
chasingbunnies said:
>>I had created a blog to troll 60skid because she laughed at my Salem.<<<
The 60skid is probably scavaging through the neighborhood trash cans to find enough empty beer cans to return to the local market for change.
It's probably the only way that she can afford to pay for her internet connection so she can get back online to trash people.
The Slave to Savage, said,
"The 60skid is probably scavaging through the neighborhood trash cans to find enough empty beer cans to return to the local market for change.
It's probably the only way that she can afford to pay for her internet connection so she can get back online to trash people."
Even if it were so...I would respect her more than you.
You elitist piece of shit.
Meathead said:
>>>Even if it were so...I would respect her more than you.<<<
I don't want your respect. The respect of a bottom feeder i can do without. You're a nothing ... a nobody ... a shapeless, mindless entity whose existance serves no purpose and has no meaning.
You're a loser whose life is on constant cruise control and, like 60skid, you have NO CLASS.
>>>You elitist piece of shit<<<
I'll take a quote from the movie "Wall Street" where a certain "Captain" of industry makes a very prominent speech.
Gordon Gecco said:
"The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works.
Greed clarifies, cuts through and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit...It's all about bucks. The rest is conversation."
I'd rather be a "Successfull" Elitsist than a "Loser" ... a piece of gum under somebody else's shoe that always has to look up to someone else that has done it better and made it in this dog eat dog world.
You're a socialist ... the type who always cries because you didn't have what it took to piss in the tall weeds with the other big dogs.
At least everytime i look in the mirror, I see a man who knows that he gave it his best shot and got to where he is because he worked his ass off and made it.
What's your story?
Meathead said:
>>>You are a follower...you get your directions from some idiot named Savage on a radio.
You deserve no respect.
Self-made? You made yourself into a minion...a follower. You found someone to speak FOR you.<<<
My god, you're such an asshole.
You have a chance to say something intelligent and this is the best you can come up with?
Are those that follow the teachings of Jesus Christ "Minions" in your view because he speaks for them through the words of the bible?
People who are sages are the one's whose words reach you. They unlock the mind and increase your awareness of the world around you.
They make you a better person than you already are. They improve and sharpen your cognitive abilities.
As for you .... stop proving to me what an uneducated dumbass you really are.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Salaam sed,
"The troll is always lurching.
Please splain. Is that like being spastic?
I'm lurching tonite.
Foraplex Forum suffers major setback ......
There's an unconfirmed rumor going around that the infamous "60skid" has not been seen lounging around on the Foraplex Boards and that her presence has been mysteriously absent for a time.
All kinds of speculation is buzzing around that maybe:
1) 60skid's computer has been nuked by a potentially deadly computer virus that turns hard drives into melted butter.
2) Her cable company shut down her internet connection because her account was "Seriously Deliquent".
3) She was apprehended by the mental institution that she escaped from and is now resting quietly in the confines of a White Jacket with very long sleeves.
4) She was apprehended by Homeland Security for harassing Attorney Christie Webb.
5) Sharon's ghost told her not to go online anymore and donate her personal computer to Brain Tumor research.
6) The cat bit the computer coard and was electricuted thus knocking out the 60skid's online capability.
In any case, be it an act of God or a pre-emptive strike against a known internet psycho, the many blogs and forums of internet land are enjoying a time of peace and prosperity free the ravings of a mentally deranged women.
Repeat after me Everybody .....
"All we are saying ..... is give peace a chance"
John Lennon .... Love ya man !!!
Here's an interesting little speech by Joseph Goebbels:
I believe the subject was called "Total War".
Salem said...
"oh BTW
helterskelter aug_1969
Not a good idea to put my home number on this blog.
not nice!"
But it might come in handy!!!!
Savage Disciple said...
"Here's an interesting little speech by Joseph Goebbels"
Is that your hero? You paranoid, weak, inneffectual flea?
You are a slave. Ripe for being lead around like other sheeple.
You are so pathetic to be a slave to a third rate hate monger like michael savage.
See how I didnt capitlize his name? Cuz he's a nobody.
Michael Savage on his radio program of 10/30/2006 ...... and I quote:
"We need a lofty man, born in a mean city, to save this country from the Oligarchs".
Michael Savage can take care of the domestic issues and i'll make sure that all of our nuclear weapons are in fine working order.
Another clip of Interest to the Meathead .....
I do remind myself of John Adams just a little bit :-)
Yep, i second that.
We're both just as wildly passionate in our beliefs .... thank God for America!!!
Watch and learn Meathead ....
Only a new generation of patriots can pull this nation back from the abyss.
We need "Leadership ... We don't need "LIBERALS".
>>>There's an unconfirmed rumor going around that the infamous "60skid" has not been seen lounging around on the Foraplex Boards and that her presence has been mysteriously absent for a time.<<<
The last post from that degenerate was made on October 20th.
Looks like she's "OFFLINE"
Ding Dong the witch is dead ... they're already celebrating all across Blogger and Yahoo.
She's looks really stupid lounging out there all by herself. KTS is isn't.
I thought this Foraplex forum was supposed to be "The Next Big Thing"? Guess not.
I actually think that the CharlieManson.Com site is 100 times better than Foraplex. I'm no Mark Turner fan, but even I have to admit that he's got the best place on the web for anything Manson related and he's got a number of guys contributing pictures. There's some good material.
Word to the wise .... When you build a Forum around a name that sounds like a brand of toothpaste, you know the place is going to suck.
I think there's "Catscradle77" and then about 10 other clone id's. There may actually be only about 6 or 7 actual members only about 3 of which actually post.
If that isn't a recipe for failure, then i don't know what is.
Do you think that Christie Webb talked 60skid into going back to school to study law?
Maybe that's why the old windbag hasn't been seen farting around the foraplex wasteland.
Catscradle77 looks like the ugly girl at the prom that's all by herself waiting for a date that never shows .... how embarassing.
She looks very lonely in that room all by herself :-) LOL
Believe me, she wouldn't be talking to a deranged woman unless she was getting paid for it.
Christie is too much of a professional to be wasting her time on a "Non Entity" like 60skid.
The minute 60skid tells Christie about Foraplex and how Sharon Tate's ghost taps her on the shoulder, I can guarantee you all that the 60skid will hear is "Dialtone".
Here's a good one, Slaveage. As long as we are in the mood for youtube.
Lets sing along!...Doot da doot da doot doot doot da doot doot doot doot dooot.
Heres one for Salaam...the pig farmer.
Salaam said,
"Do you think that Christie Webb talked 60skid into going back to school to study law?"
Live by the sword.....
Salaam you like links.
Meathead said:
>>Here's a good one, Slaveage. As long as we are in the mood for youtube.
Lets sing along!...Doot da doot da doot doot doot da doot doot doot doot dooot. <<<
Wow, you know my last name. I'm so impressed. You must have been watching some of my videos. It's in EVERY one of them.
At least you have good taste in music. I happen to like Simon and Garfunkel.
public info, hon.
salaam said,
"no it wasnt u JERK!
Good luck with the BLOG!"
Which one...I have several.
Just an Fyi .......
I was told by a very dear friend of mine in the technical recruiting field that companies now have the ability to run profile checks and find out websites that you may have.
Some companies now due this to make sure they're not hiring an individual who may have a questionable background.
Is it legal, technically Yes, as long as the company doesn't tell you that they're doing it, otherwise it could be discriminatory.
Meathead ...... using "Public" information to harass someone also classifies as "IDENTITY FRAUD" ..... so be damn sure you know what you're doing because Identity Fraud is being cracked down on and Lawsuits can very easily be brought upon "YOU" and "YOUR EMPLOYER" if it's found that you're doing this on company time.
I've got friends with very techinal IT backgrounds that can also find stuff out.
ewwwww...so skerred.
Salaam said,
"I can take you out meaty where you dont shine so bright"
Oooohmg..a threat.
Your buddy Meaty.
Salaam said,
"It's ok.
I know who meaty is."
Uhhhhhmmmmmm.........................................................................no you dont.
You dont even know who YOU are, but let me give you a clue.
A troll that got her pants wet because we paid attention to her last night.
Your buddy, Meaty.
Salem said...
Why run for the border? I'm a white boy!
Nice day here in Lake Forest as a matter fact.
Salem said...
"Just remeber please
I AM a nice person.
If I ran anyone off I am sorry.
Frankly what others
believe about me, I could care less. I know what I have said to be the truth and I dont put up personl info or phone numbers, as I could. But I dont think it's polite.
You are as close to a shrew as I can imagine. You troll like the best.
You dont put up personal info or phone numbers because you know the consequences or else you simply don't have it.
Nice, my aunt fanny.
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