Mark said on his terrific website:
I've been helping the History Channel with an episode for a new show to be called "Our Generation." The tentative broadcast date is October 19. I connected them with Catherine Share who has agreed to do an interview for the show. Others are still under consideration. I have also been told that Vincent Bugliosi will be doing an interview. Each episode of the series will focus on a major event of the 1960s and 1970s.
Except you can go to the History Channel site yourself and see that there is no such show scheduled for that date or mentioned at all on the site.
What happened? Did the people at THC wake up and realize that Mark was a wanker, ala pretty much every place and Bill Nelson?
I was looking forward to people asking Gypsy why she repeatedly fired her guns at policemen, committed major credit fraud, married a felon so she ended up in "witness protection" and yet still prays to Jesus.
Maybe she could have hugged the Bug again too!
Fucking hypocrites- all of them!
I can report that someone alleging to be from The History Channel contacted me by email on Oct. 2 after seeing one of my Manson themed videos to inquire about licensing rights to Manson's song "Don't Do Anything Illegal." For those who like all the facts straight, here is the email:
I am an associate
prodcuer at The History Channel, and we're doing a special on the Manson
I came across your
site while I was doing research.
Is this a real
recording of Manson singing? If so, do you have the rights to it? We'd
like to use it and are willing to license it, if possible.
Thank you for your
Serena Hedison
Associate Producer
Our Generation
The History Channel
235 East 45th Street
New York, NY 10017"
(phone number removed by me)
I sent her to Phil Kaufman. She wrote back thanking me, telling me that was just what she needed.
Funny, if Turner is helping them so much, that they didn't direct this simple inquiry his way. This does however confirm that "Our Generation" is a real program and that a Manson episode is in the works.
Hope you're having a great weekend Col. Readers too! xo
hey savage...you left out sadie, hon.
just sayin'.
salem said,
maybe many things attrubuted to it".
Hon, what does attrubuted mean?"
Just askin'.
so you buy the "jesus" crap?
savage dude said,
"Susan declared herself reborn in 1974 and has made Jesus Christ an important part of her life so naturally i exclude Susan from the others in that sense".
C'mon hon. Do you buy the jesus plea?
Guess you do.
Hey Jimmy,
When did you get on the bandwagon?
"Tex Watson and his phoney Abounding Love Ministry along with Dennis Rice and the others only turned to Christ late in the game".
Just askin'.
Savage Disciple said...
Tex Watson and his phoney Abounding Love Ministry along with Dennis Rice and the others only turned to Christ late in the game.
It really depends on what you mean by "late in the game"...
Susan became born again in 1974, Tex Watson in 1977... Three years isn't really that big of a difference...
I agree with you...
I'm not convinced of Watson's sincerity...
But, as far as I'm concerned, that's between him and God...
Becoming a Christian doesn't erase the things he's done...
How've ya been Savage?
Savage dude said,
"Watson is just using Jesus to cover up his sins and that's the real irony of his whole ALMS thing".
"Susan tried to redeem herself by letting Jesus Christ into her life and she's to be commended for opening herself up and trying to repair herself spiritually".
You can actually deem one to be spiritual and the other phony? You must be in line to be the next saint, right hon?
You can actually "see" right into their heart?
Just askin"
Savage Disciple said...
If Tex really did take Jesus Christ into his life, then he would have confessed to the murder of Marina Habe. Bill Nelson was convinced that Tex Killed her and I believe that Bill called it right.
Marina Habe was killed in December 1969, Watson was in jail in Texas... Least that's what his arrest documents say...
He was arrested in Texas in November 1969 and was not brought back to California until September 1970...
So, Tex couldn't have killed Marina...
You trying to force your beleifs down someone eles throat is not respectful. People have the right to beleive or not to beleive, and state as much. I didnt read anything where someone called you a bible thumping idiot or anything, if they dont beleive in your fiction that doesn't make then disrespetful, but if you feel the need to call them out, It means you are not a person of your convictions.
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