It is my pleasure to burst Mr. Turner's exclusive announcement since my opinion is he is a bad man and an idiot who has no idea what he is doing.
This is what he was alluding to this month on his terrific website.
No, he never responded to my well written list of questions.
And be forewarned- Hendrickson has been promising to release this shit for years and was too busy suing people to actually do anything about it. So who knows.
In order to thank you for your patience, we are going to treat you to a free viewing of the original MANSON. From sundown New York time to sun-up California time, MANSON will be available for viewing on certain Exclusive Film Network websites. Unfortunately, downloads to disks will not be permitted.
As you are aware, the motion picture industry is struggling to find its place in the internet community. You will be offered everything from old TV shows to newly made hard core, but we are going to provide you with something truly unique, the REAL. For example, besides the exclusive Manson Family films, over the years, we have obtained never before seen films taken during World War II. "My Father's War" is in post production, and will put you right inside the cockpit of an American fighter as it dog-fights with a Japanese Zero. (ALL IN COLOR)
You will dive bomb and fire upon Japanese warships, but your aircraft carrier will be directly hit by Jap Zeros. (ALL IN COLOR) You will advance on Japanese held islands, and using a flame thrower, flush enemy soldiers out of their bunkers. (ALL IN COLOR) And yes, you will also experience what it was like back in the states, during the war years. (ALL IN COLOR)
There will also be many more unique one-of-kind films brought to you by Exclusive Films.com.
Because we actually create the finished product, it may take us a little longer, but in the end, we will provide you with something worthwhile. Again, we thank you for your generous understanding.
"I finally realized that Helter Skelter may have been the reason the killers thought they were doing a massacre that night, but the real motive was known only to one."
"Because the heart of the prosecution's theory was that Charles Manson manipulated the minds of his devoted Family, the fact that, right before the eyes of the whole world, he was actually controlling the very destiny of the Tate-LaBianca murder trial became even more bizarre."
from The Making of MANSON II
for release in theaters 2006
It is in the court record clear as day
who wrote this?
I dont know ,but what a good read thanks.
This was originally published in a book called "The Manson File" by Nicholas Shreck back in the 90s. It was also a good read...
Three cents, dude, get a grip will ya? The picture in Col Scott's icon is that dead dude from Monty Python.
I mean, look at my icon, you don't think I'm a building , do you? If I am, I'm a really smart one....
Thanks, Salem...glad I could get a smile out of someone around here...
to three cents: Turner's site is very good and informative indeed! I like it very much myself. Mr. Turner has even been very gracious when I've emailed him about questions. What I could never really get into was his discussion board. It seemed extremely difficult to follow, and so to me was never worth the effort, so I gave up trying to post, read, etc. What you say about Turner's board may very well be true, however I find this blog much more user friendly.
Perhaps it's just me and I am just not as smart of a building as I initially thought I was
for 3cents the mainiac-
1- I am not going to call you names- your lack of familiarity with the English language explains who you are better than I ever could.
2- Is the forum defunct? I didn’t know that. No surprise- his sense of entitlement and desire for repression was great that Stalin’s.
3- I never came to Mark’s site and insulted him. Why would I ? He has one of the best sites on the web on the case.
4- OMIGOD I plugged my own site. Shocking- how un-American of me. SO WHAT?
5- No the real reason I was at the forum was to share my superior knowledge.
6- How could I STEAL his members? I am sure many of my members go to his site and vice versa. Is this a competition? You sound as bad as you write.
7- ColScott attacks idiots. Differ with my opinion, but do so with brains and knowledge.
8- Is Sarcasm a crime?
9- Why did Mark refuse to answer those questions?
10- Does Comment Count mean something in the real world? Do I get a prize when it hits 100?
In an earlier comment you asked why I consider Mark evil. It is because he only wants to hear HIS truth and suppresses all else. If I were like him your post would be gone now. Mark supports people who let their children be molested. Mark supports Debra Tate who is out of her tree. Mark Turner is not a good person, IMOpinion.
I’ve answered the Don Murphy question so many times it is annoying. I don’t care what you think. SO WHAT if I am him, which I am not? Do you have a point to your stupidity? My picture is from Monty Python, you dolt.
You wanted a name so bad, let me oblige you- NOCENTS!
0- We capitalize names like COLSCOTT in the English language, FYI
1- Is Maniac a bad name? Because you are one you do realize that right?
2- No, I got banned for not listening to some stupid edict. I never insulted him.
3- Actually I tried to register under a different name more than once and it didn’t work. So you don’t know shit.
4- It is not arrogant to be smarter than you, Nocents. A child at the candy store has more knowledge and class than you. And no, we never did see Mark talk about his superior knowledge. Because, ummm, it was inferior.
5- I thought you didn’t call people names? And how can I be king of the idiots- did you organize a vote?
6- Sarcastic? Whatever do you mean? And why does it matter, when you still haven’t made my dinner yet. Get cooking, biotch.
7- I figured he didn’t reply because he was a coward. I guess we can agree to disagree.
8- You have no idea how well this site is doing. It is doing very well indeed. I am happy that a lot of the banal comments are gone.
9- Don Rickles? Your age is showing honey.
10- You didn’t like the fact that I won every debate, did you?
11- I think Deadwood was asking for your screen name, Nocents.
12- No he is saying that with your lack of education the Col will make mincemeat of you. Which I have.
You sound like an old fuddy duddy trying to best the young 'un and you haven't got the brains or talent to do so. Everyone here is laughing AT you.
Joe checks the site every day. Mark checks twice a week. The site will continue and prosper. And you, in your stupidity and loneliness hate that don't you? WHO CARES?
how does he know Voight? I don't see him on the credits of anything?
you do all the backgroud checks you want- please post them on the donmurphy site which you seem to know quite well, so you say
This is the TLB Blog.
Good luck to you.
the comedy is that several of those names are the same people. You probably are Joe. Losers.
don't listen to Donabella and Verdreiser
the IPs match- they are the same loser who harassed Heaven- I have passed the info along to the proper parties
I am no liar. You are a babboon. There are probably 5000 people who have an interest in Charles Manson. You have proven nothing, Brian NoCents.
But you have been reported.
Hiya Col,
I've been lurking around your blog for a little while now and find that it's often an interesting read (full of all sorts of fascinating bits and pieces). Congratulations.
It's kinda depressing though the way discussions regularly get derailed by career idiots whose only purpose is to start flame wars and hurl mindless abuse. It's like being back in high school... except that at least in high school mindless abuse was often based on sound anarchic principles rather than petty spite.
Whatever... humans will be humans... it's still an interesting blog.
Hiya Col,
I've been lurking around your blog for a little while now and find that it's often an interesting read (full of all sorts of fascinating bits and pieces). Congratulations.
It's kinda depressing though the way discussions regularly get derailed by career idiots whose only purpose is to start flame wars and hurl mindless abuse. It's like being back in high school... except that at least in high school mindless abuse was often based on sound anarchic principles rather than petty spite.
Whatever... humans will be humans... it's still an interesting blog.
Salem said...
yes Pagan
It was a good book. Shame I lost it.
Yeah, my first copy was ripped off by someone but luckily my brother-in-law (well... "out-law" really) gave me another copy. I notice it's available on amazon.com... starting at 30 bucks... it was cheaper in the 90s.
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