I went to the well-designed website of the evil Mark Turner and it reads that on Halloween, "MANSON will be seen around the world." Is he talking about the film? Or people in masks?
This got me thinking, what does Mark Turner stand for? He seems to be pro-Bug. And pro-Debra. But even that is unclear. He's against the killers, but then so is everyone. But he's pro-Davis. And Catherine the cop-shooter. And Dennis the Family Man.
The thing is, the site is SO well done and so useful he must be fairly obsessed with the case. Like we are. He's also obsessed with censorship on his board.
So the Col decided to write up one of those email interviews and send it to Turner. You will see below that the questions are clear and non-antagonistic. If he replies, I will print them here as is.
I hope he replies. Those of you that know him, please alert him to this post.
"Hi Mark. I really like your site but I can't figure out what you are all about. Here are some questions that I would like answers for. I will run all answers unedited for the blog readers. Thanks in advance."
1- Do you think Charlie Manson, who you named your site after should be released? Why or why not?
2- How did you feel about the information gathering techniques used by the late Bill Nelson?
3- Which of the Family in prison would you be okay with being released and moving to your block?
4- How do you feel about Debra Tate keeping her father's body from a proper burial?
5- Do you own a brick from the Cielo Drive House?
6- If Vincent BUGliosi perjured himself during a Capital Offense case the punishment is the death penalty. Do you think he deserves it?
7- If Bruce Davis has found Jesus and you like Jesus is it the same Jesus or maybe two clones?
8- Did you ever have a martini with Patti Tate while she was alive? What kind?
9- Do you think Linda Kasabian should have a statue erected of herself in Chatsworth California?
10- If you are talking about the documentary Manson having midnight screenings on Halloween Eve, how do you feel about people holding up a short, stupid non-killer as a boogeyman?
11- If Dennis Rice was doomed to purgatory for allowing his small babies to be molested at the Ranch, how much time out does he get for converting to Christianity?
12- What weight is Gypsy pushing at the moment and is she still in Federal protection?
13- Which of the Manson girls made that exquisite vest you feature on your site?
14- In a free internet society what is gained by squelching dissent at one site when it can and does just move elsewhere? Phrased differently, "Is it not easier for a control freak to control dissent when it stays in one's home?"
15- In the Bible, we are told that he without sin should cast the first stone. How many rocks do you feel worthy of tossing at Leslie and Bobby?
16- If Clem wanted to paint your house mauve, would you let him?
17- Which of the many tomes in the Case Lore do you refer to the most?
18- What is your favorite Charlie Manson song?
19- Jessica or Lindsay?
20- Finally, how do you reconcile all these ministries you support with the reality of nine gruesome, senseless killings?
Purgatory? Me thinks the Col must be catholic!
Delaying a post so I can make sure it isn't off topic nonsense or people claiming they know Charlie is not repression of any kind, foolio. No one has ever been BANNED here (mainly because there is no mechanism to do so, lol) and even an obnoxious post like yours is still posted. Try that with Evil Mark and you will be banned and then mocked. On occasion I have to delay comments because the children get restless and forget to take their meds. That is cool. I am happy you are here, but if you must criticize my greatness, be funnier.
Moderation doesn't inhibit free speech...
Shockingly no reply yet from Turner
No reply? What a shocker!
This one is my favorite:
"16- If Clem wanted to paint your house mauve, would you let him?"
Joe Foolio-
your problem is your lack of education, like so many on the internet. Freedom of speech is not an unlimited thing. You don't have the right to come into my house and espose homophobia, for example. Should you do so, I have the right to remove you and perhaps have you arrested if you will not leave. You have the right to write "Joe Foolio Forever" on a piece of paper or a canvas- you don't have the right to do so on the side of a store.
The way the world works- I invite you to come here and post. Then we get some very strange people who don't make any sense. Or Salem who thinks she speaks with Charlie via Ouija Board. So then, I don't need these posts in my house. So we go on moderation for a while. Might be a week- might be a day. Mostly, as the regulars know, it is a free for all in here.
As far as ever not publishing one of your posts, I don't think that was true. Unless you did so under some sort of attack name. Outlandish Claims? This is the ONLY site on the web that consistently speaks the truth. So come on, point out an untrue claim by me. I defy you.
Finally, on the Turner site, people that don't like him are removed. Here, you don't like me, I think you are a foolio, and look, you are still here!
Joe Foolio-
Paragraph One- Turner does NOT moderate. He bans and deleted the truth. So you are arguing from a wrong premise.
Paragraph Two- what do you mean on YOU TUBE, uneducated one? It says it on the top of the page every time you log in. We ARE the only Official Site on the web. This is all explained in a post a year ago. Only this site is Official on the whole www.
Paragraph three- if you think this is silly, why come here? Doesn't that make you a Silly Foolio? You can't produce them, I say they don't exist, we have a draw.
No I stopped listening to the voices in my head
you should too
Why does paranoia run rampant in all sites devoted to TLB/Manson?
I don't talk to Manson, but I do have an autograph from Billy Flynn, if that counts for anything LOL
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