43 years ago today some people were killed by Tex Watson and his car mates. The next day some people were killed by Tex Watson and his car mates.
These people did not deserve to die.
Steve Parent
Voytek Frykowski
Abigail Folger
Jay Sebring
Sharon Tate
Leno LaBianca
Rosemary LaBianca
The people who killed these victims were prosecuted and sentenced to death. The Supreme Court rejected the Death Penalty soon after and now they are all slowly dying in prison themselves, having outlived all of their victims.
Why these particular people were killed remains obscure.
These are the facts of the case as Officer Friday used to say.
Our mission should we decide to accept it is to try to figure out why these victims were killed so horribly, to honor their memories and allow them to rest.
Thank you for your help.
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