I'm so bummed. I hate it when people lose their shit and fight, especially over nothing. I hate it when I get dragged into it as well. You know that expression, "the only people who win are the lawyers?" When we fight in TLB land the only person who wins is Orca Tate. Orca thrives on plankton, Krispy Kremes and discord. She doesn't want truth- she wants attention. That's why she always does the same programs with the same broadcasters who are her "friends". Orca's narcissism is unbounded. She thinks she is Sharon transcombaulated back to life. How did Robin become her friend so easily after Patti died? Picture a sphincter and a tongue with Elvis performing the wedding. That's friendship.
Over the last three days there has been huffing and puffing in TLB land. There's the guy Brian Davis of Star City Radio. He has lofty goals and a brusque manner. Fine, the Col isn't polite and dainty either. He got all bent out of shape that Alisa Statman didn't want to do his radio show. Fine. She doesn't have to. But she did agree to answer questions on a few sites. That's her right, and it isn't a radio program. Maybe she's shy. I don't know. I consider her a pal and she didn't answer shit on my site. I'm not hurt. That's no big deal to me. Brian got majorly butthurt and declared a jihad on her. Attacking her book, calling her a liar, making her cry. Not cool.
This led to evilliz people like the super cool and fun Matt to defend Alisa which led to me getting in Brian's face and Cat showing up somewhere and just all kinds of bullshit.
And somewhere Orca sits, Jabba like, rubbing her hands and going "Ha Ha Solo."
I mean seriously people, let's look at the truth (as the Col calls it)--
1- Cats is eccentric and in poor health but the work she does is incredible. She may want me to take Kanarek out on a date, but I politely ignore it and she remains great people. She had an argument with Brian Davis and whatever, they fought and they moved on ( I hope)!
2- Evil Liz fell out with Cats. She prefers the People Magazine to the stodgy NY Times approach the Col goes for. That's fine. I read her blog because it is interesting.
3- Skynyrd does fine work, makes me think. Thelma and them can be fun. I don't go on the Helter Skelter blogs just because of their thievery, but I bet it is a fun read. I miss the Yahoo group that Denise Andrade had.
4- I spoke to Davis today for a half hour. His heart is in the right place even if his meds might need some increasing. He seems to need to work on his breathing.
5- I know Alisa and she is a beautiful human being. She didn't write the book for money. She is the line producer on MODERN FAMILY. Now dig it- I don't know what she got paid for the book but I can guess and she probably makes that on two episodes of the show. She didn't do the book for money. You know why she did it? Because she loved Patti, Gwen and PJ. SHE was the closest person to PJ when he died, not Orca who seasons her shrimp intake with his ashes twice a week. Alisa. Brie wanted a tribute to her mom, Granpa and Grannie. That's why the book exists. Oh sure it isn't 100% accurate- but it TRIES and comes damn close. Nothing stops Orca and Robin (The Dark Knights Stumble) from doing their own books except their limited educations and mental defects. It's just easier to attack the book that DID get made even if it means you attack your own flesh and blood.
If you followed all of the above you are as fucked in the head as I am and need champagne immediately!!!!
Anyway, seriously CAN WE ALL STOP? Brian, lay off people please including Alisa, she is a nice lady whose heart is in the right place. Did she start off a little obsessed? Probably, but no more than you or I. But the girl fell in love along the way and everything after that is genuine. Does EvilLiz out people who want to stay in? Probably, but I cannot boo hoo for fucking say Mary Brunner who shot at cop and has never repudiated her past. Is the Col a smug asshole- sure I am and I should try not to be.
This is all a sideshow. Love Restless Souls, or no, love Alisa or no, love me or no, we all share the same goal- finding out the truth. It suits Debra for us to fight. She wants not truth- she wants to be Sharon and eat. You have questions about Restless Souls, ask Alisa and if not, fuck it don't believe it. She wasn't there. I wasn't there. The people who were there lie or won't talk.
But it feels like BUG is heading to that great courtroom in the sky soon enough. Then we will unite and demand answers, unhindered by his bullshit or vague threat of lawsuits. We need to all come together on this subject. I've always hoped for 100 TLB blogs, good ones because someone is more likely to come up with an idea I've missed.
I don't need you to love one another people. But JimNY, Debra, Robin, Wheat, these are all sad pathetic human beings. No need to love, but let's get along?