----> I don't understand what the fuss is about. No one is going to release Susan Atkins from prison. It isn't going to happen. What she did was too heinous and too unforgivable for that to ever happen. Debra can gather more airtime for her ego. Idiots like Jim can argue "she only held Sharon down" as if that doesn't constitute murder. But in any case, she's not getting out. Like when I was right about Barker- I'm no genius, just let logic be your friend. DISCUSS.
----> I am a little confused by the reactions in some corners to the Steve Grogan news. It appears that Steve has lived a crime free life since being released from jail after a jury sentenced him to death. And that's great. But when MansonFamilyToday revealed the information there were actually people who protested about some imaginary right to be left the hell alone. Well Bret didn't advocate doing anything to the guy. He merely made a news story on his site that stated where Steve is now. Kind of a "whatever happened to" thing. Like after the movie HEAVENLY CREATURES when it came out that the Kate Winslet character/murderess was actually a bestselling mystery novelist. The age of the internet means that the truth will be available if someone cares enough. The silly tenets of Scientology are now known worldwide thanks to the net. The lame remarks of McCain are read the very next minute thanks to bloggers. Besides, Clem, I am told, did an extensive interview for the highly anticipated Tom O'Neill book on the case, his first interview in decades. The internet may be the way we finally get to the truth of the WHYS about TLB. DISCUSS.
----> I am confused by people both here and on other sites who pretend to be someone close to the case. Thelma and Louis is Wheat is Soybean is Dianne Young etc. who knows nothing and no one real. Think about it- if you were Cappy or Ouisch or Mary or even Clem you only do one of two things- you shut the fuck up and go on with your life OR you start a website that clearly establishes your bona fides and then you try to make some cash with it. You don't lurk and pretend on message boards. The only REAL person ever to show up on line was Steven Parent's friend who was a girl (not girlfriend) and no one really cared. Babs Hoyt shows up on news shows for money. Gypsy sells her friends down the river on news shows to promote a future book. There ain't nobody in the comments here or elsewhere who is an ex former one time wannabe FAMILY member. DISCUSS.
----> I got super pissed off last week when another fucking lie was disseminated by reporters that Susan Atkins had spent more time in jail that any woman in California. Because at the very least it's a tie with her and Katie. These "journalists" spewed the same bullshit over and over.
Then one of them did something about it!
---->Then it seems that somebody got snitty. What is the point to mention the length AT ALL? Why should the Prison note the length of somebody's stay except to say "poor prisoner has been here so long is that so wrong?" Personally I now love this Lindsay William-Ross person. They asked the hard question when not one other single reporter did. DISCUSS.
Hey Col, it doesn't sound like you're confused at all about the phonies who get satisfaction from name dropping "celebrity" members of the TLB universe. Sounds like you're just more amused than confused.
As for the stories about Stumpy being the longest serving inmate in California, I thought the same thing when it kept being reported that way. Whoever that person is who wrote the blog pointing out the "error", good for them!! The response was also classic. Five Days? OK, if it's important, they win.
BTW...on the Good Morning America video with Diane Sawyer performing for the inmates, I thought I saw Katie or somebody who bears a pretty good resemblance. Anybody notice?
I don't get the time line.
Atkins wrote about being received into CIW a month or so after Krenwinkel and LVH because she was in LA being tried for Gary Hinman's murder, and how they snubbed her when she arrived. Katie helped her a little with the routines, but LVH told her to just shut up and pay attention.
So is it total jail time from arrest, not post conviction? Katie was back east when SA was arrested, no?
As if it matters!
Hi Jm, I noticed the woman on the aisle looked a lot like Krenwinkel...
Thanks much for the posts, Col.
marliese, that is what I assumed when I first read it - jailed non-stop from the Barker arrests to today. But I didn't pay too much attention to how the claim was worded.
Col I remember the whole thing about Kate Winslet's character in Heavenly Creatures. bizarre story. I started reading a lot about that after seeing the movie because it's truly stranger than fiction.
The Col posted, "...Like when I was right about Barker- I'm no genius, just let logic be your friend. DISCUSS."
With all due respect Col,and in my opinion, you were right about that only because they barely scratched the surface with the dig at Barkers.
If we are using logic as our friend (which we should be) then based on the Charles Manson Family and their history, logic would tell me that there could be bodies at Barker. I still believe if you took a backhoe or earth mover up there and dug the whole place up, there may very well be murdered bodies there. As I understand it, they barely dug.
Everything else you posted in this entry I agree with you 100 percent !
JM30, Hi ! I too thought I noticed PK in that group.
Great posts Col ! Thanks as always !
Hi Agnostic, thanks. You know, on second thought maybe it's time from sentencing for TLB, even though the women were tried and sentenced together, Atkins just wasn't delivered to Frontera til after Hinman.
Back to Grogan, why do people think Bret has an obligation to reveal who and how he found out about Grogan's life, or what he gave in exchange? What kind of screwy logic is that?
And Atkins, it's pretty difficult to get admitted to an acute care hospital for any length of time now, let alone three months, and even after an amputation, they quickly send you to a therapy unit or rehab, at least when an insurance company is the watchdog of expenses, so since she doesn't have private insurance how does the state pay? Through the medi-cal system? And I'm guessing her situation is now Hospice and custodial care. So is she in a skilled nursing facility/wing as opposed to an acute care hospital?
Just curious, since they say she's been "hospitalized" since March.
Great posts Col, and always the best pictures. Koffee Klatch pic reminds me of the fat lady at the Musee Mechanique. Spooky.
Marliese: I think that was Katie on the aisle. What the hell did she think with Atkins getting all of the glory with this "longest serving" crap. Who was she...chopped liver? (No pun intended.)
Colonel, what makes you believe that Dianne Young does not know Charles Manson and some of the other folks involved? Not trying to be a snot, just asking.
Marliese i love your pic .Col thank you for the post
In the radio business where I worked for 20 years, we used to refer to people who always name-dropped and referred to "my good friend so and so" as star-fuckers.
TLB is a veritable star-fucker bonanza. Since I have been lurking around these TLB hot spots, I have seen many people claiming to be connected, albeit tangentially, to people involved "back in the day."
And, Col, when is this Tom O'Neil book going to hit the streets?
JM30, if we were to f*ck stars, don't you think we would pick RICH ones?
Just broadcasting the message of peace, love and ATWA throughout the land.
And forgiveness. For it is written: if The Man can forgive Sadie, who unjustly imprisoned him for 40 years with her perjury, then all of us should be able to think warm thoughts about the dude who cut us off in traffic, and offer prayers for the health of annoying ex-spouses. So mote it be.
Not necessarily money. More like fame and notoriety, and then there's the weird conceit that goes along with it...the I know something you don't know because i'm a chosen one bs.
Jm, Interesting coincidence...considering Trent Reznor's history at Cielo etc.
Pristash posted,"Col, when is this Tom O'Neil book going to hit the streets?"
Good question ! The Grogan interview alone would be worth getting the book for me just because of my curiosity to hear or read his view on the way things were or went down back in that period.
And there is the possibility that he may reveal things that havent been revealed or confirm facts and theories. Again, good question Pristash ! Thanks !
The only thing I would be interested in reading is Gabriel's recollection of the motives. Seriously. Will we ever find out the truth? Who is going to tell us?
CM...nah. Dementia is in full force there.
Leslie....has no clue...was out of the loop.
Bobby....possible, but he'd have to be free first.
Bruce....useful idiot, but not useful today
Tex..Knows more than the others, but abounding love is too much to overcome.
That leaves Clem Kadiddlehopper. (if you don't get it, ask your grandparents). Could he unravel all of this? I think it's possible...if the incentive is there.
Right On JM !
"CM...nah. Dementia is in full force there", said JM30.
Not at all. With age comes additional wisdom.
jm30 said...
In the radio business where I worked for 20 years, we used to refer to people who always name-dropped and referred to "my good friend so and so" as star-fuckers.
TLB is a veritable star-fucker bonanza. Since I have been lurking around these TLB hot spots, I have seen many people claiming to be connected, albeit tangentially, to people involved "back in the day."
10:24 PM, June 22
well im not connected to charles manson or any of the idots he hung with in the 60s or who he hangs with today so there.
Marliese said...
Not necessarily money. More like fame and notoriety, and then there's the weird conceit that goes along with it...the I know something you don't know because i'm a chosen one bs.
Hehehe dam woman i couldnt of said that better well said marlises
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