Wednesday, November 03, 2010

People Are Strange

Look I'm all for whatever floats your boat. I always got freaked out by the homophobes who screamed that Steven Parent wasn't gay. Of course he was, and so what? And Abigail and Jay did a lot of coke. And Voytek and Gary dealt drugs. So the fuck what. None of that means they needed to end up as shish ka bob.

What I never got was the people who believed the Jesus Bullshit, the idea that the Bible was some sort of How to book. According to Christian philosophy, if Hitler said he was sorry with his dying breathe, he would be forgiven and let into Heaven. Screw that!

IF There is a God and that's a pretty damn big IF, he sure as shit isn't forgiving certain bastards no matter how damn sorry they are.

So I stumble across this photo on the web and it makes me want to vomit in my hanky. "I am the way and the light, whoever believes in me shall be saved." Umm, Tex boy- YOU STABBED a 9 months (basically) PREGNANT woman who couldn't defend herself OVER AND OVER. You don't speak to any real GOD, you false preacher. Any REAL God would have turned you into a pillar of dogshit years ago. If anything, your full, long life is testimony that there is no God, or if he is he is fucking Groucho Marx.


starship said...

Ok, now I am no theologian, BUT I think most of the deal in catholicism with its play on purgatory is that it is possible to be saved ultimately and get to heaven, but you still gonna be punished for it first.

Speaking of Heaven...where is she?

Matt said...

Seems to me that anyone who has such a heavy burden on their conscience would by necessity HAVE to believe that to stay sane.

On his website he staunchly maintains that his Christianity believes that salvation comes from faith alone. If he believed as strongly in works, he'd have to believe heaven is out of the question for himself.

Anonymous said...

There is no worse piece of shit on the planet than this guy.... What a joke. Books, websites... It ruins my opinion of prisons that nobody has put one those crucifix's through his brain by now... It bothers me he draws breath.

Seems like I got my hopes up for nothing on this new Manson movie- Thanks for sorting that out...

A.C. Fisher Aldag said...

Ahem, wouldn't now be the most wonderful, perfect opportunity to point out the most obvious fallacies of barbaric Xianity? Yeah, I thought so, too.

You can ask a fictional character for forgiveness, but where does that leave the victim?

Jesus is dead, if he ever existed, and even if he was alive and real, he's not gonna float down from Heaven and bestow wings and a harp on Charles Tex Watson. Tex is gonna be reincarnated as a landfill rat in Calcutta. He just IS.

Alba gu brĂ th said...

This so called born again Christian refers to Sharon Tate in the book as the babbling blonde &, this book was written several years after the slaughter. You would think he might have reviewed that kind of reference to a girl who was witnessing slaughter which must have been a living nightmare. Obviously the lassie was terrified who wouldn't have been never mind an eight & a half month defenceless pregnant wee girl. This banger (Watson) was allowed to have a sexual relationship in prison, he should have been taken straight out the door after his trial & shot through the heid! Him & his ilk are the dregs of our world, the thought of the way these wretches behaved makes me want tae pheuk! Get it right up you Watson ya arsehole!

grimtraveller said...

God loves people.
The good, the bad and the ugly.
If we've messed up in life, he offers the opportunity of a fresh start with him.
Forgiveness and new life is his idea.
He alone knows who is genuine.
So yeah, Hitler could say he was sorry. But saying sorry means nothing unless the life then lived demonstrates it. So saying sorry then blowing your brains out rather indicates you weren't really sorry because if you were you'd face the music here on earth. People love to give the Hitler example to demonstrate how dumb Christian forgiveness and salvation is ~ but it will always be a poor example.
Being forgiven by God does not mean that you don't pay the price that the authorities here on earth have come up with, whether that means restitution, losing a limb, prison for a long time or life or the death penalty.
God isn't an idiot. If Charles Watson has been genuine for the last 40 years, God will know.
If he hasn't been, he'd better get to it.

I'm genuinely curious for a load of folk that aren't interested in knowing Christ, why it should in any way bother you whether Tex says he's been forgiven or not. If it's all a load of crap, what difference does it make ?
And if it's true and God really has forgiven him, what has it got to do with you ? You gonna argue with God about his choices ?

Matt said...

"Seems to me that anyone who has such a heavy burden on their conscience would by necessity HAVE to believe that to stay sane.

On his website he staunchly maintains that his Christianity believes that salvation comes from faith alone. If he believed as strongly in works, he'd have to believe heaven is out of the question for himself"

Salvation is by faith but faith expresses itself in what one does. It's not just a verbal thing or a mental assent. One has to live the life, however long that may be. And in whatever circumstance one finds oneself.
If you've done terrible things to people, you may never be forgiven by them or their relatives. It's actually God's acceptance that helps one to stay sane in the face of one's past actions.