If I blog these I can get them off my desktop....
I always wondered what mental illness Squeaky suffers from. Yes I said mental illness. I mean, even now she sits quite happily it seems, convinced that what she did mattered and that one day the world will embrace Charlie. She is obviously deeply damaged. The number of killings she was tangentially linked to, even Lauren Willets, is astonishing. She clearly thought that it was okay to kill as long as Charlie's message was spread to the world.
How does it work though after decades, when it is clear that even Charlie is now lost to history? How do you keep the faith? I know Bravin in his book claims that her daddy molested her. She denies it. Okay either way- NOTHING she has done seems to indicate affectation from molestation. She obviously has profound delusions. Narcissistic need for attention at one point. But I don't get how this all happened. HOW did she become convinced that Red was Green so to speak and still believe it to this day?
Is this a photo of when she was arrested for the attempted assasination of President Ford or is it from an earlier period?
I am remembering from Paul Watkins' book how he said when Squeaky had sex she would act like she was having a seizure and howling? Another definite sign of weirdness... I have to read Jess Bravin's book so I can't really comment right now but could it have been an inbalance combined with heavy drug use?
but the drugs doesn't address the continued delusions that she has to this day
just read caption it is a Ford arrest foto
Even at this very moment,she is loyal to Manson,till the day she die's manson if able would control her.Col is right she is not on LSD etc today yet her loyality to Manson is has real has it was 30 years ago.
In order to understand the WHY and the HOW - the questions posed in this post...one must have a good understanding of the cult mentality. Not to say that Charlie and the bunch were actually a cult, but they were residing in their own collective thought. Society is full of brainwash. School, TV, movies, etc. Charlie devoted enough time to understanding the brainwash and ridding himself of all the programmed hangups. He IS free. When the kids (e.g. Squeaky) started following him around, they were introduced to a new (real, but new for them) way of thinking and experiencing. They were opening up and tuning in. They became more receptive to what life actually has to offer everyone all the time. They were free. The mistake they made was associating this new freedom with Charlie and only Charlie. The same thing happens in religion and church. People walk into church feeling down and out. They are exposed to all these people waving their arms and chanting, etc. They then begin to feel the energy and it gives them a boost. The boost gives them more confidence and self-esteem. They are free. They then make the mistake of associating their new freedom with the church/religion and only the church/religion. In Squeaky's case, once Charlie was convicted, sentenced, and locked up...enough time went by to where it was obvious Charlie wasn't going to get out - all the prison doors in America were NOT opening...the revolution was NOT happening. The party's over. The confidence and self-esteem dwindle. The freedom is gone. The mind begins to lock up again. Squeaky never realized that the freedom she experienced was organic and unconditional. She has forever associated it with Charlie. What she and the other kids experienced was so powerful, and so real, and so new for them, that they KNOW it was real. They know what they saw. They know how much synchronicity they were constantly surrounded by. It was unlike anything they had experienced throughout their entire lives until they met up with Charlie. In Squeaky's mind, Charlie is the portal to the real freedom and magic that life actually provides to everyone (good or evil). She never had time to thoroughly analyze it. She hurried up and put herself in prison so she could remain in the collective thought. It was the only way she could guarantee herself that she would always be within reach of that freedom once the revolution finally happens and Charlie is propped up as the enlightened star of the new world, etc, etc, blah blah. Call it mental illness, call it insanity, call it whatever you need to call it. I call it sad. Either way, it is understandable and explainable. To look at it as though it's some far-out alien-like dementia is an easy way out of understanding exactly how she BELIEVES that she is doing the right thing by her God. The bottom line is that the freedom one experiences once they break out of their head is so amazingly powerful, that it CAN alter their perception of reality for LIFE...unless they stop and begin to reevaluate the possibility that they made the mistake of associating the freedom with someone or something rather than accepting it as unconditional. Being in prison all these years certainly doesn't help. Judge her, call her names...but ponder the concept that she truly and totally believes that she is doing the very best thing she can do for the world - by remaining 100% loyal to what she believes is the truth.
I probably haven't done the best job in attempting to explain this. Feel free to post questions and I'll answer until it's clear.
scramblehead said:
I probably haven't done the best job in attempting to explain this. Feel free to post questions and I'll answer until it's clear.
Uh, that's what I'm afraid of...
: ) ....just kiddin
Great to have some new posts!
i corresponded with her in 2004 and she is still as "programmed as ever"
Hi Deb! Hope life is going well for you and yours.
Scramblehead: That was a brilliant post! Your explanation is very clear and makes much sense.
hi to Dok, Deb, Pristash, and Deadwood.
: )
how about…she's crazy. Something obviously misfires in that brain of hers. Or she likes the attention and fame it brings. so she's either crazy or cunning. I don't give a fu*k which, but I vote for crazy.
Scramblehead's explanation was superb.
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