Bruce Davis represents a unique situation among the Family murderers constantly vying for parole. He was involved in the murder of Hinman and Shea. He was part of the TLB conspiracy and cover-up although he was never tried for it. And thanks primarily to the Bug's novel it is alleged that he might have committed more murders running into the double digits. Finally, reading Statman or just opening one's eyes. his conversion to Prison Ministry seems at best grossly insincere.
See but here is the thing- Bug could allege anything about Bruce in that novel. He could say maybe the guy assraped 52 Mexican children. Because as a disbarred attorney from Hawthorne, I know that Bruce's only recourse would be to sue for damage to reputation. And shockingly, convicted murderers are not seen as having reputations that can be damaged. How about that?
So Bug doesn't win his election, cranks out with Gentry his novel and decades later the uneducated read it and believe his every word. Remember even HE doesn't believe it any more- he was okay with Susan getting out of jail to die. It did what he wanted it to do- make him rich and famous.
So again, remember the LAW. The LAW says that these death penalty convictions were reduced to LIFE with the possibility of parole. No parole options didn't come around for another 9 years.
So the JOB of the parole board is to determine if the inmate is suitable for parole. Does he have a job? Does he have people to watch out for him? Is he likely to do bad shit again.
That's all they do. They do not decide if his Christianity is real. They don't look at the footage of him stoned out of his mind when he and Nancy came out of the storm drain. They don't decide if maybe he committed other murders he hasn't been charged with.
And so, rightly, every time for like years now, they decide that he's doing pretty good. Because he has a wife, support teams, and so much arthritis it would be hard to wield a knife.
But then he doesn't get out. Last time because the Terminator didn't want him out.
Why? Is it legal? Well it is legal just barely, because the governor does have that option. But the main reason he doesn't get out is fear- fear of being the asshole who let a Manson Family member out. It's not Hoyt's lies, Orca's presence, or Bug's skillful prosecution- it's fear. Clem was released in the middle of the night and no elected official was involved. Lucky fucker. But Sadie was a one legged gimp who wanted to die in a real bed and all the Hillbilly lawyering of Whitehouse didn't succeed.
Bruce will likely get parole again, or at worst a one year denial.
But he's gonna die in prison.
Now conversely, what he could do is cut a deal for one of the other possible murders. "Here's what I'll do- you approve my parole and I'll admit to killing the two Scientologists. Hell I will blame Sadie too, bitch is dead, fuck her. I get immunity and release- you get to announce that you were a genius who solved a 40 year old crime? Deal?" I think someone would take that.
Only problem with that is that it blows apart his carefully scripted decades long facade.
Guy is screwed.
Great post!!
Great points!! ( and delivered with your usual touch of sarcasm and right on point humor...) lol
I agree- totally that he never gets out...
I agree that he has done everything he should have and could have done to make it possible to get out...
I also am with you why this happens and the reason they wont let him go...
but I just can't seem to drum any sympathy for him anyway.....
I do not agree, I say he will be paroled this time.
LOL well we can respectfully disagree Jesse...
But I ask you this-
if they didn't let him out last time when he GOT THE VOTES,
and as Col points out- they did not let Sadie go- even though she couldn't even walk....
Why would you think that any of them would ever get to breathe fresh air???
in fact- since they changed the requirements allowing for longer periods between hearings- even LULU gets longer denials now....
and EVERYONE thought she would be the first to go free...
I cant predict the future....
but I would bet the limit Vegas would take none of them ever goes anywhere....
I guess we shall see
If the parole board gives him parole, will Governor Moonbeam deny? I had a feeling that Ahnold was being loyal to Hollywood: The hometown industry hates this case and would not mind seeing the death penalty retroactively applied if that was possible (see Atkins, Susan) Gov. Brown is not so closely tied to Hollywood and might decide not to intervene.
If it ever happens- I will be the first to come back and say I was wrong :)
I say Col is right on about this one and that NOBODY would want to be the one to pull that trigger....
I see your point.
What has changed in California since Bruce passed the parole board that has caused them to lengthen the period between hearings so much?
Just curious as to what dynamic is at play here.
Marcy's Law in 2008
i think he has a better chance with jerry brown this time.
Were you disbarred because you can't write?
Yes, very good post. Funny about Gov Moonbeam...hadn't heard that since like 1978. But didn't Jerry Brown date Linda Ronstadt too? Sounds like Hollywood to me.
Oh, I did not know about Marcy's law. But that was passed in 2008... Bruce was classified as ready for release in 2010. So is there anything else that is different now?
Could the recent lengthy denials be as a RESULT of how close Bruce came to release?
The law to increase denials was passed because people don't want murderers getting out.
Maybe not every single person who takes a life is murderer??
I am quite sure they all are in this case...
in my opinion
OK, I understand now what Marcy's law is and it is clear why voters would want such a law enacted. It is also clear that one of the premises of the law is that frequent parole hearings are unduly distressing for victims and their family members. All good so far.
The problem I am having is this: if Marcy's law is what we are talking about, and it was passed in 2008, why would it affect Bruces' chances more in 2012 than in 2010? Did it take time to kick in? That would be my guess unless there is something else going on.
I personally am not saying it would affect his chances per se more now than it did in the past because of this law....
Just that...
I believe he never had a chance in the first place, and now they can legally justify making him wait longer to save money and all those other things...
and yes- I also believe " other things"
ARE at play....
namely - just what the Col said...
I have said this before-
but I have a buzz and a few minutes so let me say again...
I HATE the parole process in this case for so many reasons...
NONE of them are ever getting out.
All this does is bring the memories back up every so often for the victims families...
give the family of the convicted hope....
give those sad looking old fools hope...
and in every case it is is just more bad feelings and negativity all the way around...
Who ever feels good after these things????
( only Debra- who gets to keep her name out there and I am sure feel some satisfaction for honoring her sister)
but even the rest of the victims families cant feel great after going through one of those several hour ordeals... beating up on 60 something year old people has to get old at some point after 40 years... and hearing the details over and over again must not be much fun either.
so I just think the whole thing is very sad all the way around...
I say that anyone who says he should be paroled should be willing to have him come live at their house, or at least as their next door neighbor....see how soundly they sleep at night.
blipcrotch, Marcy's Law has nothing to do with his chances of getting out. It just has to do with the amount of years he can get denied, if he's denied.
Bruce got 23 consecutive one year denials before the 2010 hearing. Since Marcy's Law in 2008 the minimum is 3 years.
Marcy's Law was in effect at his last hearing, but remember he wasn't denied then. He was only denied by the governor.
Also remember that today's postponement wasn't the first for this particular hearing. It was originally scheduled for December of last year.
The problem for Bruce is - pretty much what the Col has said. His post conviction record is what the Board of Parole Hearings would consider model. He's had only 2 rules violations in 40 years - last occurring over 3 decades ago. None for violence, none for drugs. He has a excellent work record. He has continued his education. He has done a bunch of self-help programs. He has solid parole plans with numerous job offers. Pretty much everything the parole board wants, he has. So there's nothing he can do. He's forever tied to Manson.
Yall's problem is you are trying to inject logic and wisdom and common sense into this Bruce question. The parole board is a govermental institution, and common sense and logic does not apply. Bruce will get out. Should he-NO, but he will.
The only one that should get out
is Bobby
I wouldnt care if any of them lived next to me. (except stabby Tex) Just for the entertainment value alone. It gets kinda boring around here sometimes. I dont think the rest of them are dangerous anymore
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