I don't have to tell you everything so I never told you that I got to meet Alisa Statman some time ago. I found her to be an absolutely smart and cool and charming lady. A real joy. Someone who would not suffer fools gladly ever. So no wonder Bill Nelson never liked her. The pompous buffoon!
Anyway Statman is very successfully working in the Hollywood BIZ and protecting Patti Tate's children and her legacy. Which is super nice of her when you think about it. I think when I started this blog ages ago I was not nice to her. But I was a child then. Now the Col is a man and can admit when he was wrong.
Through our meeting I got to read a manuscript. I think then it was called THE TATE LEGACY or something. It was powerful, It made me cry. I found myself bowled over by the book.
It is hard to describe the book really. Statman wrote it along with Patti's daughter, Sharon's niece. Yet it draws extensively on the book that Col. Paul Tate wrote and never published. It draws on a manuscript that Ma Tate was writing. It draws on notes from Patti. It draws on writings from everyone that lived the hell of the Cielo slaughter. Except of course Debra. Because as I keep saying (and actually getting bitchy emails about, as if I did it) Debra's family disowned her.
Sure we learn a lot. It is the unspoken voice of the Tate Family, a Family destroyed by Linda Kasabian, Tex Watson, Susan Atkins and Patricia Krenwinckel. We learn of pain and sorrow. We learn details never before revealed. We learn how Tex and Bruce conspired as "ministers" to take over the prison chapel. It's a great fucking book.
The Col tried to get this to agents but without avail. It was like the killers superseded the victims.
But God Bless Statman. Word comes that a major publisher (I'll say if she lets me) has picked it up for the end of this year. I think the new title is Restless Souls.
I am more hopeful that I ever was for the Tom O'Neill book- if it every comes out. But I read this book. The authors need to do the talk show circuit. They need to push this shit out of this book. Fuck Bugliosi and Debra. The Tates went through hell and at last history will be enlightened.
Suzan's support of parole for Tex was so uncalled for...truly inappropriate and unbelievably selfish. Her mother and Leno were not his only victims. It's bad enough she would think the man that hacked her mother to death deserved to walk free in society again, but what about his five other victims and their families?
Thanks for telling us about this book, Col.
Your last sentence made me cry, Col. On many sites and blogs the victims are rarely mentioned, or shrugged off as collateral damage, and the grief and suffering of their families ignored.
Gorgeous photo of Sharon.
AC, they were all victims. Shorty Shea...ambushed, slashed, beaten to death, his remains desecrated. And yes, your Charles was there, in that ambush with the killers...he was not off enjoying a motorcycle ride in the hills or tending his organic crops behind Spahn Ranch. He was there.
Leno, associated with the mob or not...gutted, a fork in his throat, a victim of the killers and Charles Manson.
Charlie was at the ranch that Friday night, he told the killers to go somewhere like Melcher's old house and 'do something witchy, you girls know what to do.' He was there, AC.
He may not have told them to go somewhere and slaughter everyone they found, but he was there.
And the next day, he went to Waverly, he walked into that house and set those people up for Tex to kill...knowing he had killed the night before. He did that AC..you can talk about a missing fix it ticket til doomsday, he was there. He was in that house and he sent the killers in that house to butcher those people.
You never offer one shred of evidence to make your truth factual, let alone believable.
They were all victims, and your selective sorrow is heartbreaking for me.
ah..click delete and it's gone. just like it never happened.
Finally!!!! I knew if I read this entire blog I would finally get some confimation that I DID read about Tex and Bruce becoming fascist Christians together in prison....I read that years ago...can't remember where tho.
Thanks, Col.
Marliese said...
"And the next day, he went to Waverly, he walked into that house and set those people up for Tex to kill...knowing he had killed the night before. He did that AC..you can talk about a missing fix it ticket til doomsday, he was there. He was in that house and he sent the killers in that house to butcher those people.
You never offer one shred of evidence to make your truth factual, let alone believable"
In George Stimson's book "Goodbye Helter skelter", Manson admits he was there, in the house and actually spoke with Leno as well as patting the head of the dog.
So if one of his supporters is adamant he wasn't there and he says he was, that would tend to blow anything that supporter says right out of the waters. If that supporter says Charles told her he wasn't there but he tells another supporter that he was, then that basically makes all three of them suspect in what they say.
Ironic, kind of.
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