This has been forgotten since April but thanks to the nonsense going on in the comments I went to the archives and found my copy of FREE INDEED by Dennis Rice.
The Col paid $10 back in January but the "ministry" didn't send it. Some ass kicking ensued and we got it in April. I read it during a rather short crap. It isn't that long.
45 pp with some badly reproduced black and white photos. Not worth $5 but hey, Jesus wants money most of all these days.
The basic premise, retrofitted with lies and polishings, is quite simple. "I WAS A REBEL" Dennis writes multiple times. I had three kids plus one other that wasn't mine. My ex wife was basically a drug whore. So naturally, being a rebel, I followed Charlie Manson (because, you know, he was so rebellious). I took my kids there too. I robbed a warehouse. I shot at cops. I got parole. I violated it and got sent back. I was basically a stupid, irresponsible asshole. Then one day I found Jesus. We kicked it OG style and now I have a church and exploit Charlie's name to make money preaching to prisoners. AH-MEN.
It is hard to review something that is meant to appeal to a sucker and not to a scholar like the Col. I could break it down so you don't waste your money on it.
Intro- Dude, that Hawthorne Shoot Out was Cra--azzy
Chapter One- I was a rebel and it was the sixties. Crazy shit was happening. Then the Manson Murders. How cool those rebels were.
Chapter Two- I was a rebel. I dropped acid and read Kerouac (whoah!!). I was a bad church person. I met a chick and hooked her on meth then married her. We got married and I kicked the habit but she stayed a drug whore. Drugs are bad, mmmkay? Everyone did drugs back then, even Bruce Davis (??) We separated and I took the three kids and worked all night at a book store.
Chapter Three- The Family got caught. Was this the Revolution? I was so moronic, I mean intrigued, that after reading an interview I drove to the ranch. I thought this was heaven. I brought my kids. I banged all the women. This was heaven. I soon began to visit and speak with Charlie and concluded that he was Jesus Christ. This place rocked because you know, I was a rebel.
We interrupt with actual quotes to smack down AC from the comments hard---
" My kids loved it. They went from having no mom to having six or eight of them. It was great for me to suddenly be free from the responsibility of caring for them and I went from having no wife to having a choice of ladies to sleep with."
Yeah Dennis, nothing like having a retard like Clem introduce you to sex when you are six years old you hypocritical, lying non Christian turd. Charlie called you FATHERMAN but you were no father- even now.
Chapter Four- So I help try to get a lot of guns to try to take out Charlie's jail and free him. I get up to twenty years in San Quentin, but this being the era where people like Zero get murdered and nothing happens (my editorializing) I only served 2 years. And then I fucked up my parole (being a fuck up and all) and went back in. Because I'm a rebel! "Three times in and out, another six months, another year, parole violation after parole violation." I took the kids and since ex wife was a drug whore I created, I gave them to some strangers again, only Christians this time, then I went back to the joint.
Chapter 5- Finally I am in the joint and surrounded by Christians so I decide I should become one. Cause I am a REBEL!
Chapter 6- I got out of Jail but was still into the KKK and shit, being a rebel and all. Then I joined a fire and brimstone church in Tempe. I made my kids go to church (nice). " I had made every mistake as a parent. My kids wound up in foster homes, juvenile homes and and Orphanage." But then Jesus came and they loved me again. And my mom loved me again. And my drug whore wife, before she died accepted Jesus so we'll see each other again. (vomit).
I then met a woman who looks like Rosie Polanski as per the included photo and gave birth to two more sons because being a father is such a cool thing. [[It just sucks that there are no hippies to teach them about sex now that they are almost eight years old. editorializes the Col]] But I am still a rebel- a rebel in CHRIST!
Chapter 7- It doesn't matter if you are in Jail, or reading the Col's blog. Jesus is waiting. He wants to give you a new life. Surrender!
AfterWord- You know this shit is hard work. Send us some cash, people!
Reflections- Jesus could even save Charlie
Photos- This mountebank has 17 grandchildren. It makes me sick. Then some photos of prisoners making the Heil Hitler salute back to Dennis. See above photo.
Missing- no mention of the fake vest he exhibited through the evil Mark Turner at No real accounting for his crimes (shooting at cops!). Vague mention of being a shitty parent but no real listing of just how bad. Blames shit on other people.
Unsuitable for parole- sounds like Tex, Bruce or Sadie except he got out.
The pamphlet is a joke. I feel Dennis and his ministry are a joke. Another loser blaming Charlie for his own crimes. Hell he even exploits Charlie in the NAME of the ministry.
So there it is. Right from the horse's ass. REBEL ? Charlatan, narcissist, pathetic- all more accurate.
Okay, smackdown humbly accepted, since the First Bank of Aldag can't afford the $10 for the reference book, all our money having been sent to Global Tel-Link to provide for the New Improved Corcoran Dating Service and Telephone Chess Game. So the kids were there, at the ranch...
Ain't I reading this right? The narrative implies that Dennis Rice met the "Family" AFTER the murders. Wasn't Charles M. in jail, awaiting trial w/ no bail, at the time? "I soon began to visit and speak with Charlie and concluded that he was Jesus Christ..." That means visit Charles in jail, correct? Mr. Rice dropped the kids off at the ranch, but Charles wasn't even there... or do I have the sequence of events bass-ackwards?
I still maintain that Charles M. has never raped any women or girls, especially not a ten-year old child. This came up in an unrelated conversation having to do with Matthew Robert Lentz's claim that he is the product of a rape. Not true.
1- your sequence is correct
2- I never said Charlie raped anyone. Unless you count statutory and back then I wouldn't.
AWESOME reading thank you Col
All our money having been sent to Global Tel-Link to provide for the New Improved Corcoran Dating Service and Telephone Chess Game
What do you mean by this comment AC i hope its not directed at myself and frank
Um, no.
On 20 December, Heaven wrote: "Let's also not forget the (sic) Didi Lansbury said she left the family after she witnessed Manson having sex with the 10 (year old --sic) daughter of Dennis Rice... But some seem to forget that Manson is also a pedofile (sic). By true definition of the word."
That certainly sounds like an accusation of a rape to me, or at least 1st degree CSC. Same difference, Heaven.
And Ace replied: "That would make Didi Lansbury a BIG FAT LIAR, since Rice did not even associate with the group until after Charles was held in jail, without bail after the murders, by Rice's own admission!"
Heaven wrote: "Dennis Rice didn't have to associate with anyone. He dumped his kids off at the ranch and left. Most everyone knows this..."
In this aspect, you are correct. Rice apparently 'dumped his kids off at the ranch'. But...
I replied: "Dennis Rice did not even meet Mr. Manson until Mr. Rice read about the unfortunate incidents in the papers, watched the news on the TV, and subsequently visited Charles in jail. He did not have contact with the inhabitants of the Ranch prior, nor did his youngsters."
I am correct in this statement, as
stated in today's blog entry. The Rice children were NOT at the ranch until after the "great misunderstanding", and therefore, Charles M. was being held in jail!
It's pretty darn difficult for Charles to be having sex with Rice's ten year old daughter when HE WAS IN JAIL !!!
Cheerfully awaiting the retraction.
Not at all, Becca. I have been allowing some of the guys to three-way their girlfriends. (That sounds naughty but I mean a three-way telephone connection.) Frank isn't at all involved. We got a six hundred dollar phone bill, and Dave had a conniption! "You can d*mn well conduct your revolution thru the #%*&!! mail!!!
A.C. Fisher Aldag said...
Not at all, Becca. I have been allowing some of the guys to three-way their girlfriends. (That sounds naughty but I mean a three-way telephone connection.) Frank isn't at all involved. We got a six hundred dollar phone bill, and Dave had a conniption! "You can d*mn well conduct your revolution thru the #%*&!! mail!!!
1:32 PM, December 24, 2007
LOL i understand the phone bill and yes %#$%$#%% is a good word for it :P
You won't get one because the children were left at the ranch. The pictures the police took of them during the August 16th raid at Spahn more than proves it..
But I will wish you a Merry Christmas and prefer not to argue about it any more.
Actually before I go, I think you and I are having a bit of a miscommunication problem...
I am not saying that Manson had sex with a 10 year old, I said Didi Lansbury said it.. I wasn't there so I can't say if it's true or not..
I was saying that Dennis Rice dumped his kids off at the ranch.
One has to assume that he knew or at least had met Manson because his kids were there during the August 16th raid. After the murders, yes, but before the police knew they were the killers..
I have no idea if what Didi said was true or not. For the sake of that child, I hope it's not..
I hope this clears up the confusion..
Merry Christmas...
Merry Christmas!
I am looking for the documentation, names of people to go w/ the photographs... assuming you mean the auto-theft raid at Spahn?
From : "Dennis Rice ... did not join the Manson Family until after the arrests."
Heaven and Col: My point is not that the Rice kids were dropped off at la Rancha de Vida Beuna, at some point in time. My point is that they hadn't any contact w/ Charles M., as they were not present until later. Therefore, no CSC, at least not on his part.
I am not finding any actual documentation of the names of all those present at the Spahn Ranch raid on 16 August, 1969. Point me in the correct direction, please? Not pictures, but a list of NAMES of those present, not just those taken into custody.
I've seen the photos. How can anyone identify anything from those grainy black-and-white blurry images? Anyway. The kids' names are not listed in those documents I've found.
And I realize that the Rice children were juveniles, so their names may not have been released... or they might have had different last names. Or the lists may have been incomplete.
Or the whole thing might be just plain conjecture. "Bunkum", as my dear friend would say.
Meanwhile, I've been given the very bestest Yule present *ever*... the Title 15 code of regulations for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation! I'm gonna have such delightful fun with this, as a veritable avalanche of grievance forms descends upon the captain's desk.
Jack up MY visit, will ya?!
Great site. Not to change the subject, but may I add my two cents about Steve Parent? I just got here.
I've read the same things about Parent and Garretson and wondered as you did. However, the police report says this about Parent:
"He also worked part time at night for Jonas Miller Stereo, 8719 Wilshire Boulevard. On Friday morning, 8-8-69, he told his mother to have a clean change of clothes for him when he came home for lunch from his job at the plumbing supply company. He told her he was going to work at his second job and didn't want to come home after work before going to Hollywood for his second job."
Many people reading about the murders many not be familiar with the area; the stereo store isn't far from Bel Air/Benedict Canyon. One would take surface streets.
Anyhow, the report then goes on to state that Parent made a phone call (at Cielo) to a friend at Santa Monica and Doheny (close to where he just came from), and the police verified the call. So he had a very plausible reason for being out that way. I think he just went up there to check out this movie stars' pad. Maybe he was bored.
What about the other children, other than the Rice kids?
It's been said the mothers weren't allowed to care for or speak to their babies, and how about their exposure to drugs and sex? And then there's Sadie and her infamous telling of oral sex on her infant son? Are they not all responsible for those acts? Just asking.
All the best to everyone for 2008.
A.C. Fisher Aldag said...
Merry Christmas!
I am looking for the documentation, names of people to go w/ the photographs... assuming you mean the auto-theft raid at Spahn?
Good luck in your search because they're not easy to find.
Everything was documented in the police records and you just have to know where to look to find them. 4 children belonging to Dennis Rice were taken in by social services, along with Susan's baby and Tanya. They were placed in temporary homes until the natural parents collected them. So it's all part of state records. You won't find these record on Google lol...I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas
Heaven said: "4 children belonging to Dennis Rice were taken in by social services, along with Susan's baby and Tanya."
Dates, please? Source?
Marliese said: "It's been said the mothers weren't allowed to care for or speak to their babies"
In the photographs taken by the "family" it seems the mothers are interacting with their babies quite nicely, including breast-feeding.
Marliese wrote: "and how about their exposure to drugs and sex?"
I'm not gonna get into the culture-specific argument again... people who live in yurts "expose" their children to drugs and sex, too. Here, little boy, drink this fermented yak milk. 'Nuff said.
Marliese further said: "And then there's Sadie and her infamous telling of oral sex on her infant son."
Charles M. hadn't any control over what Sadie did with her child; she was living down the street in a trailer. Tex was her man, so why the heck didn't HE control her? Charles M. had as little contact w/ Sadie as possible, since she annoyed the daylights out of him.
Not at all, Heaven.
There were several different dwellings at Spahn Ranch, including some metal trailers, and bunk houses, and several outbuildings were used as dwellings, besides the "main" house. Charles usually stayed in the main building, and Sadie had a trailer where presumably the red light was always on. The media makes it sound like everyone was staying in the same house; not so.
Okay, if I am searching for a police report, I need to know what police department of what city / town / county responded to the complaint. Sheriff? State Troopers? It's not just "state records", it goes by department. Everything is online somewhere, but often costs a fee. But I was hoping that one of youse, who likely has a copy stored in their garage, would be willing to scan it and save me five bucks & the trouble.
Also, Heaven, my source is The Source. Ace: "So and so says you did ______" (fill in the blank). Response: Either a really cool story, or a rousing "hell no!" Ace: "I read in this book / saw on this program that ______" (fill in the blank). Reply: "You wanna read a #@%&*!!book, or listen to me tell ya the TRUTH?!"
Unfortunately the Source is cut off until further notice, so, um, about those police reports...
Here is part of the Spahn Ranch arrest affadavit. If you need more, I shall post it:
NO. 2029
Personally appeared before me this 13th day of August, 1969, the affiant, WILLIAM C. GLEASON , a peace office, who, on oath, makes complaint, and deposed and says that he has and there is probable and reasonable cause to believe and that he does believe, that there is now on the premises located at and also described as:
12000 Santa Susana Road, Chatsworth, commonly known as Spahn Movie Ranch, consisting of approximately 200 acres of open ranch land, including all buildings, storage rooms, vehicles, garages and outbuildings of any kind located thereon,
and on the person(s) of Charles Milles Manson, aka Charles Milles Summers, 5'7 in height, weighing 140 pounds, brown hair, brown eyes, DOB 11-11-34, with a tattoo of a woman's head on each arm , and a one inch scar over is left eye, the following personal property, to wit,: stolen sutomobile parts, including but not limited to, VW frames, engines, transmissions and parts thereof, and rifles automatic pistols and revolvers.
Your affiant says that the facts in support of the issuance of the search warrant are as follows:
Your affiant has been a Deputy Sherrif for the past 10 1/2 years, employed in such capacity by the Los Angeles Sherrif's Department, and has acted and received the information set forth in this affadavit in that capacity.
Your affiant is now and has been for the past 15 months assigned to the Technical Services Division thereof.
On the date of August 9, 1969, your affiant and Sergeant Douglas at Malibu Sheriff's Station, contacted Officer Ted Laigh, #4907, Los Angeles Police Department, Davonshire Division, Juvenile Bureau. Laigh stated that he flew over the Spahn Movie Ranch approxiamately August 1, 1969, and at tht time he observed a 1969 Volkswagon laying in a ditch South-West of the main ranch complex. Since that date, Laigh has determined the Volkwagon to be a stolen vehicle. It is a Volkswagon that was taken from the Dick Joyce Volkswagon Agency in Van Nuys, reported stolen on July 15, 1969, under file 69-052-838. The vehicle was unregistered at the time, but bore identification #119 766 041. Laigh stated that the vehicle was further identified by officers Slausen and Daspain, Los Angeles Police Department, Devonshire Division Patrol, who walked into location, checked vehicle, but did not impound it. Devonshire Division Detective Noeller is handling the investigation.
Thank you, Cats.
The records are available by fax, but they cost money. Arrrrgh. I got this (___) close. My ol' man is hacked off enough over the phone bill!
There is more to it, and if you need me to I can post it.
And you are welcome.
Drat, that delete was me. Sorry Colonel.
That's the affadafit, Cats, I would need the actual police report from the raid. But thank you for the offer.
Called the LA County Sheriff, they can fax it to me in a couple of weeks for like $12 per.
But no, it's not really worth it.
I believe you when you say the Rice kids were there at the ranch, Heaven, and I believe Charles when he swears "on my skin" he perped no CSC's.
Let's hope nobody else did, either.
Of course AC.. I'm not one to hold a grudge or take any of this personally...
Hee hee, truth, I'm too darn lazy to go look it up. :-)
I agree with you Becca.. He's a waste of a good conversation...
I hope you had a great Christmas!
Heaven said...
I agree with you Becca.. He's a waste of a good conversation...
I hope you had a great Christmas!
4:57 PM, December 26, 2007
I did thank you,and same to you
Marliese said...
deadwoodhbo said...
Why is good conversation getting wasted on a such a hypocrite likr rice.I found God my ass.
Yes, he's a hypocrite but no matter what the topic, it always becomes all about absolution for "Charles."
5:13 PM, December 26, 2007
I think Charlie seeks no absolution,therefore why should we seek it for him.Oh and just to be silly i love that word absolution ever since i heard it on the movie titanic :P:P:P
God seems to keep getting lost. Then people like Mr. Rice gotta find him. Maybe God needs a microchip ID tag. If you found God, would you advertise in the paper under "Lost and Found"? Found, one slightly used God. Please send me all your money. Your friend, Dennis.
A.C. Fisher Aldag said...
God seems to keep getting lost. Then people like Mr. Rice gotta find him. Maybe God needs a microchip ID tag. If you found God, would you advertise in the paper under "Lost and Found"? Found, one slightly used God. Please send me all your money. Your friend, Dennis.
12:59 PM, December 27, 2007
whoever whatever whenever %^&%$ i dont want to even waste my valued air saying its name dennis rice is nothing a coat tail hanger.
ColScott said...
1- your sequence is correct
2- I never said Charlie raped anyone. Unless you count statutory and back then I wouldn't.
12:42 PM, December 24, 2007
Stop haveing a dam life of the interent new post:P:P:P:P:P
Afterward, the 700 people in the boats had nothing to do but wait... wait to die... wait to live... wait for an absolution... that would never come...
Good movie!!
Heaven said...
Afterward, the 700 people in the boats had nothing to do but wait... wait to die... wait to live... wait for an absolution... that would never come...
Good movie!!
3:06 PM, December 27, 2007
You rock!!!!!!!!!! thank you for being my friend
Awww You're welcome babe! You're a very sweet person...
Heaven said...
Afterward, the 700 people in the boats had nothing to do but wait... wait to die... wait to live... wait for an absolution... that would never come...
Oh beautiful Gloria Stuart! She was the best part of the movie for me, probably since just as it was released, I was reading about the infamous Garden of Allah on Sunset, where she lived back in the day...she was a gourmet, known for being a wonderful host, her door always open for dinner guests during her years there. And there she was 50 some years later as Rose! Beautiful lady. There's a Virgin Record store on that corner now ("they paved paradise and put up a parking lot") but the original iron gates supposedly still exist across an alley somewhere in Hollywood. Kinda like the Cielo Door was saved (rather taken)I guess.
Well, I'm ot, sorry. :)
But it's true, don't you think? Regardless of whether he seeks it or not, Charlie is often absolved...not unlike the girls did for him so long ago.
Is Gloria Stuart still alive?
When Ttanic first came out, it was my favorite movie...
Titanic rather
I dunno, "absolution" implies imparting forgiveness for a negative action, which was actually perpetrated. Hence, I prefer the word "vindication".
And speaking of Rice (although you're all quite tired of the subject), any idea where those kids are now?
Deadwood: What life, LOL!
A.C. Fisher Aldag said...
I dunno, "absolution" implies imparting forgiveness for a negative action, which was actually perpetrated. Hence, I prefer the word "vindication".
Absolve implies forgiveness when used in the context of the sacrament of absolving sin. I used absolve in the context of freeing from blame.
A.C. Fisher Aldag said...
And speaking of Rice (although you're all quite tired of the subject), any idea where those kids are now?
All I know is one of them became a preacher...
I am worrying this like a weasel with a marrow bone...
The police reports I've found just say "twelve children" were taken in by CCPS, but they do not give names. Hence, I decided to go to the trough and get information from the horse's mouth, my ownself. We will see if I get a reply.
Is this Mr. Dennis Rice of "Free Indeed" ministries? Former associate of Charles Manson?
If so, this comment / question is directed at you. If not, sorry to have bothered you.
Dear Mr. Rice,
My name is Ms. A.C. Aldag. I am a friend and supporter of Charles Manson. This is a question about the days you were involved with Mr. Manson's former associates at the Spahn Movie Ranch.
Some folks over at the "Official Tate-LaBianca Murders Blog" are suggesting that you dropped your children off at the Spahn Ranch prior to the arrests in August of 1969. It is being said that your children were taken in by the California Child Protective Services during the police raid on the ranch which occurred on August 16th. However, your ministry site states that you became involved with Mr. Manson AFTER the arrests, when Mr. Manson was already being held in jail pending trial.
Some of the folks on the OTLMBlog are suggesting that you are hypocritical for not confessing that your children were involved with the Ranch crowd prior to the murders. They are stating that your children were subject to molestation. One individual is claiming that Mr. Manson sexually assaulted your ten-year-old daughter.
If your ministry website statements are true, then Mr. Manson could not have had access to your children, as he was already incarcerated. So my question is, were you and your children present at the ranch prior to the arrests for murder, as the bloggers are claiming?
Mr. Manson himself states that he has never perpetrated any criminal sexual conduct, especially not on a child. Only using much saltier language, as I am sure you can imagine.
Please clear up this situation and exhonerate yourself from accusations of hypocracy. Of courese, my motivation is to vindicate Mr. Manson and clear him of these accusations.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Ms. Alice C. Fisher Aldag
Wow, I'm annoying people on two blogs at once! Woo-hoo.
Drat. Another dead end.
Ms. Aldag,
You recently made a comment on my blog post re: “Living from the inside out”. I have removed your comment, which I always hate to do, but …..
I am not the Dennis Rice you were looking for. I have seen in Google searches, etc. the information on this individual, but for personal reasons prefer not to be associated with him. I have seen where he hopefully turned his life to Christ (which I pray is true), but have also seen some negative comments on his ministry.
Hope you understand my reasons, and best of luck to you in your inquiries!
I wrote him a polite reply thanking him. And now, you folks will be pleased to know that I'm giving it a rest.
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