The Col admits his mistakes.
In the comments of the Round Up post, the Col commented that Bugliosi had perjured himself under oath about bringing the newspaper headline MANSON GUILTY NIXON DECLARES into the courtroom.
As the lovely Heaven pointed out, this is not true.
Bugliosi perjured himself about being the source of Bill Farr's story. That is why he went out of his way to say "I only know I didn't" in the Helter Skelter novel. Because he knew people knew he did.
I did not have my Stovitz interview notes with me and just went from memory. I apologize for the error.
It's no problem hon, we all make boo boo's.. I'm glad I could be of help...
And I appreciate being called lovely...
I wouldn't go that far lol
Col Scott is very well educated when it comes to the crimes. He just made a mistake.. I've been known to make a few myself...
Salem said...
>>>>CM wrote in one letter how the guards would let this BIG black guy out on week ends and open certain cells and this guy would rape CERTAIN inmates. Guards would sit back and laugh.<<<
That doesn't surprise me at all. I'm sure there is a ton of corruption within the prison system. Think about the kind of person that goes into that line of work in the first place? Not that I'd believe anyone in the prison guard line of work is automatically suspect, but I'd imagine it does attract a certain personality type with power issues. Oh no, now *I'M* generalizing!!! :)
Salem did you hear about that study done at Stanford University a while back where they divided the students into two groups (inmates and guards) in a simulated prison and that within a shockingly short amount of time the "guards" were inflicting all kinds of cruel and humiliating punishments onto the "inmates"?
Pretty scary stuff.
andy said...
>>>whoever col scott is he should throw you off his blog for acting the way you do.<<<
I know very little about cm.com, mark turner, or this fued between he and salem, so I probably should not stick my nose in where it doesn't belong, but I DID want to interject that Salem does not act abusively on the Col's blog at all. She and I disagree on a lot (Sandy, Linda K, Manson himself), but other than being somewhat secretive and evasive here and there she's still friendly and respectful to most everyone in here.
I do not think the Col should kick her off his blog - I doubt he would anyway but it would be a shame if he did.
happy easter everyone!
god bless us everyone!
(monk just got home from one too many beers)
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