When this great work started I mocked other sites a lot. That is because I am immature. I stopped that. Usually I only bash Mark Turner. His site is great. But he is a censor. And censorship is evil and UnAmerican.
But watching what has gone on over at Charles Manson and the Family, a Yahoo group, requires this response:
Candygramma- shame on you you ignorant, stupid, flabby cow. You aren't fit to clean my clothes much less talk to someone smart like Heaven. Go start your nuclear fission group you retarded, moronic, walking corpse.
Poche- you don't surprise me. I could spot it a mile away. Child abuse is funny to you? Really, it is a shame the abortion didn't work. I hope someone hits you with a car.
Sorry for this interlude. But this scumbags are just so irksome because they are so hillbilly stupid.
Up top we have a candid snap - Candygramma above and Poche below.
Col, all I can say is YOU rock!!
Chasingbunnies, with your permission I will email you and fill you in on something.
Is it still in your profile?
Ok, thank you...
Just so everyone reading knows, I am the abused child that Poche was laughing at. I can only say that anyone who laughs at child molesting is as sick as the molesters themselves. How can someone like that even show his face at a KTS get together?
i saw the whole disgusting thing as it happened. poche is the lowest of the low. i think child molesting turns him on. he seems to be the kind of sick person who would enjoy something like that. and that dimwit glo wasnt any better. she told him he ruled after what he was saying. she must like child molesting to. some sick people there.
Salem said...
Hi Col
Is that the site where white rabbit and Raven are?
whats the addy?
I wanna ck it out, just for the heck of it.
The group owner removed all the posts because she was afraid Yahoo will close her group.
Lots of posts being deleted again...
When I stand up for myself and my beliefs,
they call me a bitch.
When I stand up for those I love,
they call me a bitch.
When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts or do
things my own way, they call me a bitch.
Being a bitch means I won't compromise what's in
my heart. It means I live my life MY way. It
means I won't allow anyone to step on me.
When I refuse to tolerate injustice and
speak against it, I am defined as a bitch.
The same thing happens when I take time for
myself instead of being everyone's maid.
It means I have the courage and strength to
allow myself to be who I truly am ! and won't
become anyone else's idea of what
they think I "should" be.
I am outspoken, opinionated and determined.
I want what I want and there is
nothing wrong with that!
So try to stomp on me, try to defuse my inner flame,
try to squash every ounce of beauty I hold
within me. You won't succeed. And if
that makes me a bitch, so be it.
I embrace the title and am proud to bear it !!!!
Just so ya know...
Poche is moderated on the Manson group so he can't speak his piece over there. So he's come here to share it with us. I believe I have a few emails from him where he spoke his mind bout a few people too...
So Poche, I never knew you were convicted of child molesting. Very interesting. It does explain a few things... Why don't you tell us about your conviction.
And I love the ID you just created today.
LOL Spooky... Thats funny...
What woman hasn't been called a bitch? OOOO Major word there lol
I realize I don't know you, so forgive me if I'm out of line.
You have nothing to explain to anyone. Child molesters and sex offenders love dialog. I've worked with them in prison for the last 11 years. Don't give this guy what he wants. Ignore him.
With a very few exceptions, this blog has been an awesome place. I've enjoyed reading almost everything until this evening.
spookycatz said...
>>>You have nothing to explain to anyone<<<
nicely worded spooky, Heaven owes no one an explanation about anything regarding her personal life, not to any of the regulars in here and DEFINITELY not some punk-ass bitch troll.
Thank you Spooky...
I accept that this is my own fault. I made the mistake of sharing things about myself that I should have just not shared. But, we were all having this big discussion about our pasts, some good some bad, and I just decided to share. It all started cause someone said that a murderer shouldn't be held accountable for her actions because she was molested as a child.
So I posted my story to show that you can be a victim as a child and not be a murderer..
Had I known that people like Poche got off on this type of stuff and was only going to post it all over the web, I wouldn't have said anything..
But, I've had people tell me that my story helped them, so some good did come out of it...
This blog is very awesome... The Col ROCKS!!
I like how he thinks I'm afraid of Salem and Audio knowing I called them bitches... PLA-EZE.. They're women, you can't tell me they've never been called that before lol
I have absolutely no problem with Salem and Audio now. We've cleared up the past and it's over with.
Who cares what was said before.. Nothing like trying to dredge up only wounds. Which is just his style...
See, I got no problem giving them a cyber hug, right here in front of everyone LOL
Thank you Monk, you've always been a very level headed person! You ROCK!!
I have nothing against you either Salem... I prefer friends over enemies...
I agree with Spooky, since we know his views on child molestation, I don't think he should be allowed a soapbox to defend his freedom of speech.
Least not in here.. Let him keep it over in his group where it all started.
My opinion anyway...
You're not even worth the responce except to say, if you had a sex life of your own (besides children) you wouldn't need to be focused on mine.
Get a blow up doll, they're legal...
could I Please have Poche's picture
Col Scott, You're still the best! lol
Not all sex offenders are in the online systems. Some you have to mail away to get...
Umm I dunno if his picture is over there or not. I had heard rumors the last couple of days about him being a convicted child molester, but until I saw it here tonight, I didn't know the details.
Maybe Cielo will come back and fill us in..
I totally agree...
If I see him around, I'll tell him to get back over here...
At a girl Salem, we protect our's over here! LOL
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