Thoughts from the Col....
.... If I don't post for a week I get these Welcome Back emails. Fact is, I haven't been anywhere. I post when I feel like it. Sometimes daily. Sometimes hardly at all. You don't pay for my keen observations, so too bad if you want more- or less. You get what you get.
....This is the ONLY Official TLB Blog.
.... Referring to the above- while all aspects of the case fascinate me, I am mostly interested in the motives behind what happened. Because BUG lied to the world. If you want a truly comprehensive look at TLB try Bret's site. I am not interested in competing. If you want to discuss the case freely try KTS. I am not interested in competing. If you want to see a site where someone tries to make themselves important, try Mark Turner's site.
.... I notice people in the press asking about Karl Stubbs. I recall blogging on him over two years ago.
.... It is like clockwork- I see a TV program about TLB that is just shamefully bad and they always thank Mark Turner.
.... What no one seems to be getting in all the new Barker Ranch coverage is that the actual authorities in Inyo County don't want to spend the money. Because there aren't any bodies.
.... I was sent a link to JIMNY's new Blog- the one with a picture of Leslie saying "I miss you". Truly a tragically deluded man. I am glad I blew off that pathetic group of Candygramma losers.
....I would still like to find George Denny. Is this guy alive?
I believe that while it is possible (maybe even probable) that there are no remains related to the case to be found, I can't see any reason why it would be impossible that there are. A person such as Dianne Lake may have been privy to some information, and she may have shared that with authorities. That is not to say that that constitutes any kind of proof, but combined with some physical evidence uncovered by the forensic techniques being currently employed, I would say it is worth following up on. No single family member or associate at the ranch can claim perfect knowledge of everything that was going on, and that would apply to those who suspect there were murders up at Barker, and those who say "no way".
Dostie is heavily invested in the credibility of his techniques. If he blows this, he has career problems
As to the cost of a dig, it might not be so great when you consider the difference between a Meltonian style "somewhere behind the cabin, man" type operation and one which targets specific sites. I believe that one officer (Guenther?) was able to locate Shea's body, given the narrowed search parameters made possible by Steve Grogan's cooperation. Forensics are now pinpointing specific sites, not wide areas.
Welcome back Col! hehe Just kidding great post thank you.
It's good to see you posting again Col.. Sometimes a new topic is just what we need..
Hey! Lets have a poll! Today's question:
The main reason for an Officer in the Inyo County Sherrif's Department to wake up in the morning is to:
a) Drive over to Krispy Donuts for breakfast.
b) Catch speeders on Ballarat Road.
c) Uncover new evidence in any way related to Family criminal activity, particularly crimes which have no statute of limitations, i.e. murder.
b) and c)
it's Dunkin'Donuts for breakfast ...
Hello blipcrotch !
Hi everyone, had the flu, don't recommend it as a method to lose weight. Effective, but not at all fun. :-)
What exciting news reports have I missed while sleeping for a week?
Who is Nancy Grace? George Denny?
Charles is *not* getting beaten up by other prisoners... and if there's one inconsistancy in a news story, there are prolly several more...!
The bet was that if any 40-year-old cadavers are found at Barker's, I will pay $50 to Brian Davis's favorite charity. If no cadavers are found, Brian has to put $50 on Charles's book for the canteen (store). If nobody digs, then the bet is cancelled.
Hope all are well and healthy, cuz the flu is making its rounds.
I remember at least three epsiodes of The Sopranos where they worried about people discovering the remains of murder victims. In two of them, the murders were at least two decades old. In one of those, they actually go out and dig up the remains to scatter and dispose of again, and in the other, I think they just end up taking their chances as it was in a basement in an abandoned house set to be demolished and redeveloped.
Begging the question: Could other family members have done the same out at Barker? Maybe Larry Melton was just too late?
Long shot, for sure, but the Sopranos are fiction, TLB truth, and you know what they say about what's stranger...
Blipcrotch - great opening post. I am totally in agreement with you.
You mentioned Dianne Lake possibly being privy to family info. I also think the same but I think it is Nancy(Brenda)Pitman that knows a LOT ! It seems to me Nancy had a special relationship with Charlie.
I think Nancy also knows some of or all of the true motives behind TLB.
A.C. - Thanks ! The bet is ON !
Also, Nancy Grace is a former prosecuter turned talk show host, she was with Court TV for a while but currently she has a nightly show on CNN. Most people I know cant stomach her because of her style and rudeness.
I dont know who George Denny is , maybe someone like the good Col could fill us in.
Hi Brian, George Denny was Bruce Davis' defense attorney. He also represented Davis at some of his parole hearings, but hasn't been around for awhile now.
Anybody know where in St. Susannah County that one could rent some earth-moving equipment cheaply? I, um, need to fix a septic system. Yeah.
Just Kidding!
Here’s a thought. From what I read, Buster has been trained to find traces of fluoride compounds (this test is used because it should eliminate ancient Amerindian burial grounds). These have a kind of half-life and are released from organic matter (bones?) at a known rate, being detectable for many years.
As just about every US municipality has had fluoridated water supplies since the 50s it should be present in trace form in most everyone (but not perhaps in DV prospectors like Seldom Seen Slim, who never lived in townships and may have had questionable dental hygiene).
From chemistry at High School I seem to remember that fluorides (e.g. sodium and amine fluoride) are basic ingredients in toothpaste.
So maybe Buster just found a midden or two, or old tubes of dental cream which had not been fully squeezed?
What are you paying out for a rusty old tube of Colgate, AC?
brian davis,
You're right about Pittman... but I think she is still in the "omerta" camp of dedicated thou shalt not snitch-ers. Most of the living ex-Family members have engaged in so much lying and dissembling over the years that their statements in 2008 lack credibility even if they decided to tell all.
The most recent AP report specifically mentioned Dianne Lake. As you know, she lived in the home of Officer Gardiner after her arrest. Officer Gardiner was a proponent of the notion that there were bodies at Barker, and Dostie states that he believes that Lake gave him information to that effect. Lake, being a fully reconstructed ex-mansonite, and having still been an adolescent at the time, is much more likely to have provided that type of information, even if in a non-official setting. I don't think she was privy to everything, but she may have overheard something second or third hand that wouldn't hold up in court, but which adds weight to the notion that there are remains at Barker.
Hi there Marliese ! Thank you for filling me in !
One thing I really like about this can ask a question and instead of getting a "go look it up yourself" or "that was posted before" or some other reply, most here dont mind answering a repetitive question.
And just for the record for all to know...I am an admitted novice to this case though my interest is as deep as anyones. So I appreciate everyones tolerance for people like myself. I do a lot of reasearch on my own but sometimes I just overlook or miss things so thank you Marliese and the others for filling in the spaces for us novices.
And as always thank you Col !
Blipcrotch, Wow ! I love your theory, especially with Snake living with Officer Gardiner.
And yes, one of the frustrating things about this case is the "players" have all lied or changed there stories so many times, it is hard to filter the truth.
Good posts everyone ! Thanks !
Hey, Frank,
The municipality I live in does not and has never had flouridation added to our drinking water. It is a very heated political argument everytime it is brought up. Families split apart, violence ensues, missing teeth run rampant. But there are very few members of the communist party hereabouts.
The Col wrote, "...I was sent a link to JIMNY's new Blog- the one with a picture of Leslie saying "I miss you"."
I checked out that same thing, (the Leslie pic on that blog)bizarre man, lol.
Anyway, my question to anyone...What are the specifics in regards to this person (JIM NY)and his impact on Leslie Van Houten's most recent parole hearing ?
I have heard bits and pieces including this "JIM NY" actually hurt LVH's parole chances with his professed love for her ? And the letter he actually sent to the parole board was subject or a factor in LVH' last parole hearing.
Does anyone have any truth or facts to any of this ?
Thanks !
Dunno about how badly he's set back LVH's case (ironic, that!) but, as any others here, I can attest to the fact that delete delete is a stalker.
How sad of the poor guy to attack an avatar on a blog'. Like it's gonna hurt poor Frank Murchison, name selected arbitrarily, and which is of course not the real identity of
Guess I'm slow today, but I missed the link between fluoridation in the water supply and communism.
Maybe I live on the wrong coast?
its all media bunkum.
wow!!!! Franks back wooo hooo.
Hiya Frank,
Back in the day...the 50s from what I hear, many people actually believed that the movement to add flouride to our drinking water was a communist plot by the Soviets to poison, if not our bodies, at least our minds. Right minded patriots successfully fought this effort in many communities, the one I live in now was one of them.
Even today, with four more decades of enlightened research and reasoning, flouridation is a hot button issue.
That said, I also know people who believe that the commies are behind every NY Yankee loss too.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Lindsay Lohan to Star in Charles Manson Movie
Lindsay Lohan has signed up to star in 'Manson Girls', a film about murderer
Charles Manson.
The 'Mean Girls' star - who recently finished shooting 'Chapter 27', a movie about the assassination of Beatles legend John Lennon - will play Nancy
Pitman, one of the cult followers of the notorious Manson who was convicted
of seven counts of murder in 1971.
'Manson Girls' producer Brad Wyman said: "Yes, I am doing it with Lindsay
Manson was originally given the death penalty after masterminding a series
of gruesome murders including that of pregnant actress Sharon Tate, the
then-wife of director Roman Polanski. His sentence was reduced after the
state of California abolished the death penalty.
He is now 73 and serving a life sentence for first-degree murder in jail.
Nancy Pitman - who was known as Brenda when she was part of the 'Manson
Family', the nickname given to his followers - ran away from her wealthy
family home in Malibu, California, at the age of 16 to be with Manson.
While she didn't participate in the murders, she is believed to have
accompanied Manson to the scene of the crime afterwards to help remove
Lindsay previously revealed she developed a fascination with Manson during
her "dark period" before going to rehab in 2007 to seek help for her drug
and alcohol addictions.
She said at the time: "Yeah, I have a dark side. I watched all those videos
on Charles Manson for a while."
Perhaps ole LL visited us here at the Col's blog...maybe even still does.
My prurient nature reveals its ugly self once again:
"'Manson Girls' producer Brad Wyman said: 'Yes, I am doing it with Lindsay.'"
I'll bet!!!
LOL!!! well said AC
A.C. Fisher Aldag said...
My prurient nature reveals its ugly self once again:
"'Manson Girls' producer Brad Wyman said: 'Yes, I am doing it with Lindsay.'"
I'll bet!!!
3:25 PM, March 28, 2008
FrankM said...
Dunno about how badly he's set back LVH's case (ironic, that!) but, as any others here, I can attest to the fact that delete delete is a stalker.
How sad of the poor guy to attack an avatar on a blog'.
What is an avatar?
Hi Marliese,
Avatar.. is the pic some of us display..Like I have the tulips, for now..'Lil..
Thanks something representing your internet persona.
The latest news story about the dig.
They want some more solid evidence. The "environment" deployed as a convenient excuse (worried about the ATWA I guess), along with some "private property" jive to appease the capitalist class, and some "scientific methodology" mumbo jumbo to address the concerns of the restless propeller heads. Covering all bases like a good politico ;)
Of course it makes total sense to want more testing. The Inyo boys are wisely not caving to media induced hysteria. No rush on this, eh?
Blipcrotch said: "They want some more solid evidence. The 'environment' deployed as a convenient excuse (worried about the ATWA I guess)."
Naw, this is the government we're talking about; a few pristine desert habitats in a protected state park are totally expendable. They're actually worried about spending butt-loads of taxpayer money during an election year, when the state of CA is a bazillion-dollar defect, cutting back programs, and then finding nothing more than that rusty tube of 1969 toothpaste and looking hysterical and foolish in the media. If they really thought there was a serious chance of finding any bodies, Gov. Terminator would be out there with a shovel his ownself, doing his part to protect society from the ravages of crime.
I'm sure you are right, money is a big issue, as it should be when resources are scarce and there are big budget shortfalls.
There was some mention in the various articles of private funds being used, at least in so far as the initial search. I did sense that the Oak Ridge scientists really want to test their toys and are willing to pay to play. Of course, the big costs to the county come if they do find something, and Inyo county sheriffs have to assign personnel to do the follow up police work.
- blipcrotch -
FYI - It's Saturday night 9pm Central Time here in the States and just FYI for those that may check this blog out in the next few minutes, Nancy Grace is doing a update on the Barker story this hour on CNN.
It's Nancy Grace, so be ready to get irrate if you watch.
Brian Davis said...
FYI - It's Saturday night 9pm Central Time here in the States and just FYI for those that may check this blog out in the next few minutes, Nancy Grace is doing a update on the Barker story this hour on CNN.
It's Nancy Grace, so be ready to get irrate if you watch.
7:08 PM, March 29, 2008
Thank You Brian its always nice when people update whats going on in the media .
I think I heard this morning that there is some sort of reality show which stars the Lohan family coming out soon? Perhaps we can follow her Manson Girls escapades through that.
I cant believe they would even cast
Lindsay Lohan...but if they are, I see Lohan playing the part of Squeeky or nothing.
With regard to Lohan, can she act well enough to pull this off? I think movie magic can make her look like Nancy Pittman, but she needs to be able to convincingly explain how watching the show "Combat" as a kid turns you into a homicidal psychopath... has she ever had a role like this?
What can we do with Paris Hilton? Catherine Gillies?
blipcrotch said...
With regard to Lohan, can she act well enough to pull this off? I think movie magic can make her look like Nancy Pittman, but she needs to be able to convincingly explain how watching the show "Combat" as a kid turns you into a homicidal psychopath... has she ever had a role like this?
What can we do with Paris Hilton? Catherine Gillies?
10:38 AM, April 02, 2008
Hilton has to play Holt need i say more.
My ruminations on the Colonel's ruminations on media ruminations (or, "Slow day at work") by Ace Aldag:
I don't watch a lot of television. I'd like to offer some pretentious intellectual explanation for that, or tell you that I'm always outdoors saving the environment from biohazards or involved with something simlarly noble and productive; but the reality is, the kids monopolize the TV with their music videos and cartoons, and anyhow, most of the monotonous televised presentations and inane commercials make me feel especially homicidal. I've shot holes in television sets, I've thrown them off the roof onto the cement, I offered friends the opportunity to strike a malfunctioning VCR with a maul. And golly, it was such fun. Did you know that a 30-ought-six slug can make a television screen literally explode? Yes! Not just flying glass, but actual fire! My insurance company hates me. So in the interest of lower homeowner's rates, I usually ignore the media images which are projected daily into my living room. It's less expensive that way.
Most of the time, the TV is just more inoffensive eletronic background noise. Yet the recent "news" reports on Charles Manson and the supposed discovery of human remains (read "DEAD BODIES" in media sensationalism-ese) at the Barker Ranch have hammered my psyche into a new level of murderous impulse toward the very idea of television. I'm also having serious doubts about the existence of God. For surely, if he was paying attention, he'd be hurling destructive high-voltage lightning bolts from the clear blue sky to strike down the TV writers, commentators, directors and anyone else even remotely associated with the utterly fallacious CRAP masquerading as a truthful rendering of this non-event!
"We think maybe, there might possibly be, a few ambigious trace minerals that are sometimes found in human remains -- DEAD BODIES! -- which could in theory perhaps be buried in the desert... by MASS MURDERING SERIAL KILLER Charles Manson! Be afraid! Be very, very frightened!" (Right about now, I'm reaching for the shotgun). "Don't worry about the dismal economy, pay no attention to the morass of a war our nation is stuck in like a dinosaur in a tar pit, ignore the destruction of our planet..." (I'm loading a slug into the right barrel) "Instead, we'll offer you the fear-mongering of a septugenarian folk musician who has been imprisoned for nigh forty years... that should effectively remove your collective menial thoughts from the serious issues, and refocus them on THE TRUE DANGER to our society! Hey, it worked in the sixties during the Viet Nam War, and you citizens haven't gotten any smarter since then...!" (I'm loading another shell into the left chamber.) "Here is an actual LIVE interview with the deadly cult leader who terrorized the nation..." (Then they play a twenty-year-old tape with quotes taken completely out of context, cut and pasted to show Himself in the worst possible emotional light. I'm struggling to close the shotgun and ratchet the slugs and berating myself for not oiling the hinges properly).
"MOM! Don't shoot the TV! It's almost time for American Idol!"
"Oh, it's just another thingy about Mr. Manson. That always gets her all riled up."
"Are they even remotely aware that their speculations are so far from accurate as to be ludachris? Have they ever even *spoken* to Charles? Is that the same man who writes me beautiful poetry, who patiently discusses proper guitar technique with my son-in-law, who gently warns my daughter to not pollute her ground water with harmful chemicals? Who are they talking about, WHO!? That guy on the news is NOT really Charles, it's some -- some media construct (that's like an especially virulent cuss word -- 'media construct' ranks right up there with 'MF'!)-- are they completely utterly NUTS??!!"
"Mom, please don't shoot the TV. Tonight is the 'My Chemical Romance' video marathon!"
"Quick, get her to drink some mugwort tea -- I think it's her hormones."
(Fortunately for my insurance company, the gun jams.)
"Is Mr. Manson really gonna do a movie with Lindsay Lohan? Cool! Are they gonna sing a song together? Are they letting him out of jail, or will Lindsay have to go there to visit?"
"Who are they gonna get to play YOU, Mommy?"
"Pamela Anderson. I think maybe I put the shell in the left barrel backwards."
"Mom wasn't really in the real for-real Manson Family, stupid. EVERYbody knows THAT. Them guys robbed banks with John Dillinger and Butch Cassidy, back during the fifties in the depression." (You can tell they've learned their history from, well, um, television.) "And anyway, Pamela Anderson has yellow hair and more teeth."
"Cadaver dogs such as Buster usually have a 96% acuracy rate in finding DEAD BODIES, when the wind is blowing uphill at fourteen knots in a southerly direction, and when certain conditions of humidity, temperature, air pressure, and low national debt are present. That's genuine science, ladies and gentlemen, which should make this newscast more believable, if not more accurate. Formerly deranged brainwashed Manson cult follower Barbara Hoyt has pinpointed the location of the DEAD BODIES as being somewhere in the vicinity of California." (Where, oh where, is that lightning bolt? Hey God, aren't you listening to this outrageous drivel?) "Ms. Hoyt was lucky to escape MASS MURDERING SERIAL KILLER Charles Manson with her very life, and in a brave show of honor and decency, has arrived here today to assist the sheriff's department in the location of the DEAD BODIES that may possibly be buried somewhere, perhaps. That's Ms. Hoyt, standing next to the truck. The truck is the one on the left..."
"Mommy, if you break Daddy's gun, he's gonna be mad."
"Did Mr. Manson kill more people than Daddy?"
"Honey, NObody has killed more people than your father. He wiped out the entire Iraqi Republican Guard with only one small handful of C-4 and a black cat firecracker. Now please give Mommy back her gun, there's a good lad, and go do your chores."
"No way, you're gonna shoot the television again, and I wanna see if Jason Castro wins American Idol!"
"I have an idea, Mom... go read your true crime blog on the computer, THAT will calm you down...!"
Ruminations, Part II:
Has anyone ever read all of the multitudinous other blogs that are spinoffs of this blog, discussions of this blog, parodies of this blog, criticisms of this blog, criticisms of the writers of this blog, criticisms of the writers' criticisms of other people on this blog, or just generally spawns of this blog? Now, just for a moment, pause in your usual contemplation of the miscarriage of Amerikan Jurisprudence and your consideration about whether or not Linda actually realized what was gonna happen on August nineth, 1969, and ponder the immense absurdity, the colossal surrealism... of a blog about a blog about a blog about the Tate-LaBianca Murders, and all of the discussion, digression, arguments, insults, objections, theories and general -- yes! -- rumination prompted by blogs on the topic of this blog. It's like looking down a hall of mirrors while sipping an especially potent glass of absinthe spiked with Ecstasy and rat poison. Unbelieveable, i'n'it? For those of you who've been denied the dubious pleasure, I will now summarize all the other blogs about the blogs about the Tate LaBianca case! Heregoes:
The Kernel is a jerk he kicked me off his blog for picking my nose / Leslie VanHouten is innocent she should be released and run for congress / Jane is actually Tammy is actually Cheryl, who is actually Sarah / White Rabbitt did so much acid his brain melted and ran out his lacriminal glands / The Kernal is a total meglo tin dictator / Candygramma is a tw*t no she's not she's a goddess no she isn't she didn't even know who Sadie Mae Glutz was / Frank Mur acts like the professor on Gilligan's Island / Heaven is really Squeaky Fromme / you're an a-hole you're a bigger a-hole you can't even spell a-hole / you're just jealous / who did you say Sadie Glutz was anyway / ATWA forever /Colonel Scott is actually movie director Quentin Tarrantino / my kids are sooo cute (whoops, that was MY blog) / Deane Moorehouse served his time so just let him run that foster home for adolescent girls are you crazy he's an al-Qaeda cannibal / Kernal Scott won't pay attention to me so I'm gonna egg his car / Jim is actually Frank is actually JemPud is actually Pres. Bush / Charles is love / *%~{*!!! / I hate Cheryl because she's fat no she's not and she knows EVERYthing about this case / Free Manson! / Linda Kasabian is innocent / Don't parole any of the vicious crazy serial killing cult murderers ever ever ever!
There now, I saved you lots of time, you won't have to read all the other blogs. Golly, who could imagine it, all this dissention? Charles would be very disappointed, as he's the unifying force between peaceful folks from around the continent, who only desire the ultimate salvation of our biosphere. So stop fighting, you dweebs! Have a lovely and blessed day! I'm spending the rest of the afternoon un-jamming my consarned shotgun.
(P.S.: The delete was my fault, if I'm gonna get banished, may as well do it in a big way!)
Frank Mur acts like the professor on Gilligan's Island / Heaven is really Squeaky Fromme
LOL im sorry frank and heaven but thats priceless:P
Whatever anyone has to say about you that may not be flattering to you or your ideals, (myself included), nobody can ever take away from you the fact that you are indeed a poet. There have been lots of great posts over the years on this blog, but boy did you really ROCK on that one!
All the best!
The economy is cyclical, as is the climate. As Charlie would say, it's all in and out ;)
I don't think this is about instilling fear in people, this latest media Charlie outbreak is AL CAPONE'S VAULT. It is light entertainment.
The media has no problem finding things to create fear among the populace: we are in a new Great Depression, Global Warming is going to turn us into cannibals, etc. Theirs is a world of non-stop doom and gloom. Then they report on polls that show we are all depressed and fearful of the future. Go figure!
From a media perspective, Charlie is actually a pleasant respite from the normal standard doom mongering. Sayeth our media overlords: He is safe behind bars. Relax, there is actually still some behavior (murder of random people) that we find repugnant and off limits, even though we basically agree with Charlie that the there are too many people in the world and that civil war and strife are coming and that the American Middle Class is ignorant, fearful, evil and unjust and deserves to be destroyed.
Yeah, but it's really interesting to see who and what organizations jump onto the bandwagon...and how. The whole Barker Ranch thing is that there is a possibility of there being human remains there yet to be found which may be connected to the Manson Family. But watch the Nancy Grace thing: BODIES discovered at Barker Ranch! Possible Manson connection! Uh, Nancy, hello? No bodies have been discovered yet...take a breath will ya?
A cable tv "newsotainment" personality made up facts to fit their storyline? In the name of all that is holy, can this be possible?
A.C. wrote - "...That's Ms. Hoyt, standing next to the truck. The truck is the one on the left..."
I could pick out numerous great lines in that posy A.C. but that one got me laughing the hardest Altho, that Ruminations Part II with the "Jane is actually Tammy is actually Cheryl, who is actually Sarah" is, as Deadwoodhbo said, priceless !
Great post A.C. !
deadwoodhbo said...
Frank Mur acts like the professor on Gilligan's Island / Heaven is really Squeaky Fromme
LOL im sorry frank and heaven but thats priceless:P
10:14 PM, April 03, 2008
Squeaky Fromme???
I wanted to be Ruth Ann Moorehouse!!
Hey, I don' t mind being identified with Jempud (except that I eat ducks), and even delete delete writes sensibly and in good English (even if his aim is a bit off), but please, AC, never again put me in the same breath as the great misunderstimator - it makes for an even worse sentence than the ones he comes up with.
And hasn't GW done a lot for us? I dedicate this post to the first boy on your block to come home in a box - I was around the first time when it was the Viet-Nim we were annihilating in large numbers (remember Agent Orange? Don't want that in the Rainbow Coalition), at the expense of 58,000 of our own. Irag figures so far only 4,000+ Mr Bush - gotta do better than that ..
I was watching an interview with Dith Pran yesterday - just the mention of Cambodia brought him to tears ('my country'). The napalm bombing and My Lais of our forces and what the Khmer Rouge did under the Pol Pot regime make Tex and Sadie's exploits look like a Bear Mountain picnic.
Sorry to spoil your Saturday - I've been a bit hit by domestic problems at home and it must be coloring my judgment.
Ah, Bear Mountain...a lovely place indeed!
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