So we have some new members-welcome.
Deane Moorehouse's ex wife has joined us. She gave this great interview to Bret.
I keep mentioning this new book that Tom O'Neill has been writing for like ten years. I can't wait to see it. Probably bullshit but who knows.
Well anyway, I just learned from Deane's ex that Tom interviewed Deane in 03 for his opus and that Deane dismissed the molestation charges using lies and more lies. Marilyn the ex has contacted Tom and asked him to talk to her. Because he does after all want the truth. Don't you Tom?
She hasn't been contacted. Tom reads this blog and steals many of my contacts.
Come on Tom- don't lets start a checklist of inaccuracy again.
Thank you for the new and most needed topic Col.
Ok, WHO is Tom O'Neil? Does he have any credentials as a journalist? When is his book coming out?
I had the opportunity to tell my story in an interview to Bret. If you have not done so, I suggest that you read it. I was with Deane from 1972-1990. We traveled throughout the U.S.,including a trip to Hawaii. We attempted to go to Mexico as well. I became pregnant in Summer '73 and finally bore him three children. Still he never settled down. He was at times physically and verbally abusive to me, very manipulative, and totally controlling. However, I was not prepared to handle what he did. His devotion was never to his family, it was to his own personal, physical and sexual gratification. So in 1990, he went to jail. He was sentenced to ONLY 5 years!
I did my best to pick up the pieces of a shattered family. He had crossed the line! I never spoke to him afterward. While he was in prison I divorced him. Why would I want to be married to someone like that? I've heard that it was a messy divorce, but there was nothing messy about it. He nver contested it.
He was returned to the same county he lived prior. To my horror I saw him walking past my work on more than one occassion and I still see him walking all over town. He is out of jail and free as a bird. Whenever I see him I freak out. I have meltdowns afterwards. I did my best to forget the past. In 2003 after a fire in an apartment I rented the past came streaming back and I needed to get help. Thank God the kids are all fine and live in other towns. Just in case you want to know. They've never seen him since.
Marilyn and LeVant said...
Thank you so much for your post.
What an utterly despicable excuse for a human being is Moorehouse, perhaps the gold medal winner of the "most pathetic and unlikable of member of the Family" competition, which is quite an achievement. He always reminds me of R. Crumb's "Mr. Natural". I bet even Charlie despises this loser.
Thanks for your comment. He did have a chance to make a difference, to be a good father and husband, but he chose not to. He really wanted TO BE Charlie. He wanted to be young again, to be attractive to the young girls, but his time had passed. Reality was a bitter pill. Sandy and Lynette couldn't stand him. Why I fell for him is a mystery. He was the kind of person who knew just what to say that would win you over.
Marilyn, you got targeted as a vulnerable 17 year old by a seasoned con-man and sociopath. Forgive yourself, move on, and continue your journey. Best wishes, and thanks for sharing your experiences.
on my own blog i have some idiot posting stuff obout me . he says im in it only for the attention. and he is questioning my motives. i posted a reply to his post and he dared me to allow his post on my blogg. i posted it. ill bet the col knows this jerk because he keeps refering to this blog site and the col. i bet he was kicked off this blogg at some point. im going to reply to him again i guess or he might think he has some valid points. he has none .he doesnt know me so how come hes so sure of himself. i'll chock it up to the fact he;s just a jerk and wants to whine about something or somebody
Um, Marilyn, may I be so presumptuous as to strongly suggest you get yourself a taser? Perhaps some pepper spray? I would also suggest a nine-millimeter Ruger with a clip or six, but I've heard that out there in liberal land, the authorites frown upon the dispensation of annoying ex-husbands. Please stay safe.
And welcome to you and to BlipCrotch (what a great name!)
welcome marilyn and whoever else is new. this blog sort of ebbs and flows, been quiet lately but I'm sure it will pick up as usual.
marilyn your interview was very interesting. thanks for sharing it. sounds like you got away from a bad situation, but it's too bad this guy apparently is still sort of peripherally in your life. like ac said, stay safe.
hi to everyone....
How are we not going to love a blog member with a name like blipcrotch. So Dickensian.
And welcome too to Marilyn and Levant (sounds like an East Coast alternative comedy act). However harrowing the past it is good that you can talk about it - that way lies sanity.
AC - thanks for replying (albeit on the previous page) ... why does Col always post a new topic as soon as I post anything? Guess we can call it Murphy's Law ... ?
Well you did call me a smart alec but actually my name is
Hi All,So glad to join you. Hello to Marilyn, very interesting and possibly cathartic interview. More to come... Lil.
LilMagil said...
Hi All,So glad to join you. Hello to Marilyn, very interesting and possibly cathartic interview. More to come... Lil.
5:46 AM, March 09, 2008
nice to see someone eles from canada
HI lilmagil and welcome aboard. Good to have more non-US people here. We seem to have had Canadians here before, also Brits and - if memory serves - one South American duck (of whom we now speak not).
Thank you, Hope everyone remembered to spring forward. I didn't and now I'm an hour behind.
Can't seem to find anything on this Tom O'Neill person...perhaps he's a character similar to Mr. Nelson.
what south american duck?frank
Well, deadwood, I wasn't on the blog then so I speak only of what I have read post factum but there were many posts from someone called Jempud who claimed to come from Argentina. His/her av was a duck.
Maybe someone else remembers
Hee hee. Quacks to Jemima. There used to be a North Carolinian Angel on here as well; Charlie's Angel, as well as from the Christian reverse otherworld.
Welcome to Lil Magil (do you call yourself Lil, but everyone knows ya as Nancy?)
Marilyn, I finally done read your interview with Brett, from a faster computer. Yeah. A taser. Please. You could move, but he'd likely just follow you. Beware of menfolk with nothing to lose.
However, I have some issues with the Brett version of events... Have been told that Ruth Ann was sold to Charles for a tab of acid. And that she ended up as the Frenchman's woman, which is why she was called "Ouische" (anyone have a translation for this rather quaint word? 'T'ain't in the French language dictionary, and the Source does not know... perhaps an almagamation of "yes" and "pie" (oui + quiche = Ouische???) And that the bus driver marriage was performed by Dad, as a method to get the CA version of the DSS off their backs.
A few minor disagreements with you as well, dear lady; please don't take it personally: Charles is not illiterate. His writing is a tad skoatch elliptical, though. Have been accused of same by a worthy professor on this very blog, who, if I were his unfortunate student, would likely flunk my a$$. (Hi, jm30). Anyway. Imagine e.e. cummings meets J.D. Salinger, and they share a tall cool glass of absinthe with the dude who wrote the "Book of Revelation", smoke a fat one with Thoreau and Emerson, and throw in a generous dose of Harvard Lampoon. (Frank is wincing).
And while Charles has no more evil in him than any other man, nor any less, it seems that you former husband was standing at the back of the line when the gods were passing out basic human conscience.
Therefore Marilyn, my advice remains, he comes within three feet of you, juice him with 120. And please ditch his last name, already, will ya?
I have a question for Marilyn
Why do you keep your last name has Moorehouse?i would think you would want to ditch that ASP.Even though AC and i have our difference,s i have to agree with her 100%And while Charles has no more evil in him than any other man, nor any less, it seems that you former husband was standing at the back of the line when the gods were passing out basic human conscience.
Anyway just seems BIZARRE!!!!!! to still call yourself Moorehouse.
Not sure Marilyn ever indicated she still went by Moorehouse. Might have simply been for introduction to the blog and/or for sake of Bret's interview.
On brets site it said exclusive interveiw with marilyn moorehouse,i am just wondering if she keeps the surname for getting her story across to people ,because i wouldnt read her story if it said marilyn smith.
Ok, Becca, and isn't that why Col ran the item with a pic of Ouisch (and not of Marilyn). Brett would have used the Moorehouse hook to reel people in - the casual reader needs to make contact with the familiar. We don't have to assume Marilyn had anything to do with it.
Selling a story is something I can relate to (which doesn't mean I like it !). And I've always wondered why some investigative journalist never outed Ouisch in all these years.
Glad for her though that it hasn't happened.
AC - great to see you back on form again.
word of warning Frank.. beware of Savage.Lil
Thanks, Nancy
Remember i read the backlog of this blog ..
.. and one or two others
AC packs a Smith & Wesson - I keep my counsel.
But while people are civil to me I can listen very nicely and go out and do precisely what
I want.
absolutely Frank. My apologies for over stepping..I'm not usually such a nosey nancy. slo day at the office. Back to the task at hand....
Nancy, you can step over me any time ..
at I found:
My friend Tom O'Neil—the Senior Editor of In Touch Weekly, chief columnist for the Los Angeles Times awards web site The Envelope, and author of the great book Movie Awards—is one of the most trusted and respected folks who cover the race year after year.
Can this be our man?
Another chilling thought on a middle-March afternoon... Marilyn, do you and Deane (or LeVant) have you any daughters in common?
Please arm them too.
Your interview with Bret was so open and sound like a strong lady, and a survivor of what must have been hell on earth with that monster. I'm glad you found your way here in the search for the truth.
Thanks, Frank, for checking out O'Neil...I will too!
WOW!!!! i just read a awesome post by Supreme Court Savage on his blog kinda makes sense too:P:P:P
I am a little puzzled by what Marilyn says:
So in 1990, he went to jail. He was sentenced to [..] 5 years! [...] While he was in prison I divorced him. [..] He was returned to the same county he lived prior. [...] I still see him walking all over town. He is out of jail and free as a bird.
Marilyn, I recognise your discomfort here but is this full blown attention-seeking your best strategy? This undoubtedly unpleasant man has been sentenced by a court of law, done his time and been sent back to where he came from. This is what happens to people once they have served their sentence. Yes, he is free. And - sadly from your point of view - he is allowed to walk all over town. Call it the price of living in the land of the free - but the alternative, kngaroo court justice, is too horrible to contemplate.
What is your purpose here, bringing your story to this blog? You seem to be looking for justice yet your ex-husband has served his time. Are you campaigning to get him back into prison? If so, be careful not to open yourself to charges of harassment, especially as you are coming close to revealing his whereabouts and inciting others to action.
Or has your pain sudenly become too much to bear, so much so that your best release is to trawl the manson blogs with this story? You can be guaranteed a readership - you probably know that - especally when you can link the picture of pretty Ruth Ann to the story - but is it really in your best interest?
Or - after all these years - would you do better to dop the Moorehouse name, go to/stay in a quiet place and work on rebuilding your life away from the noise and publicity you youself are engendering?
Please understand that I bear you no animosity, but it's all very confusing to me.
Excellent post Frank.. You asked some of the same questions I was curious about..
FRANK BLOODY AWESOME A++++++++++++++++++++!!!!!!!! AWESOME! i say. Nice to see you heaven
I was hoping to hear more from seems she's gone now.
This comment was left on my blog... dunno why, since the post was about my kids and winter and stuff. This comment is way more appropriate here. But thanks for the answer, anyway!
Supreme Court Savage has left a new comment on your post "Winter Grinds Onward":
"Ouische" (anyone have a translation for this rather quaint word?
Ouisch, as far as i can remember from French Class back in High School, was a French slang word. It's the equivalent of saying "Yeah".
Oui, in french, means "Yes".
Ouisch, in french slang, means "Yeah".
Passing over this faux etymology concerning young Ruth Ann (rather boyish in appearnce I always thought but clearly a pin up for many), may I put in a plea not to refer more to this gentleman who has latterly taken to writing on everyone's blogs (yes, mine too).
By ignoring him we deny him the platform he seeks - a point I tried, somewhat ineffectually, to convey to our good friend August (fortunately quiet for the nonce).
Do give the matter some thought, I beseech you all.
As for the meaning of "ouisch', try Not sure what it's got to do with Ruth Ann though.
May also have somthing to do with the fact she is from Canada.
That definition was all in French, so it was not much help to me, darn it!
Ignore Savage? I find it so much more delightful fun to argue!
Like, dude, you think that the OTLBMblog is exploitive of the Manson trials, yet you have a link to Supernaught in the sidebar of your blog? WTH? Supernaught has profiteered more from memorabilia than nearly anyone else.
OK i am not the smartest person on this blog i admit but i do think Marilyn is not 100% ok
It's sometimes good to go with your instinct, and you are very often spot on in your postings. Don't put yourself down just cos others on the blog may write fancy or may be teachers and journalists. We are all God's children and all have the same right to speak here.
Having said that, it's also good to beware of certainty. The most dangerous people IMHO are those unable to contemplate the idea they may be wrong. New evidence often comes to light and it may mean revising a theory - if this happens we should do it with good grace.
And the other thing I actively promote (my crusade is nearly over) is politeness and respectable language. However much you are angry with someone or disagree with them the moment you let yourself rant or slip into gratuitously foul language you have lost the battle. Again IMHO.
What happened to Marion Davies? The new redhead is very dishy too (and I can make a shrewd guess at who she is!).
Have a good day
FrankM said...
And the other thing I actively promote (my crusade is nearly over) is politeness and respectable language. However much you are angry with someone or disagree with them the moment you let yourself rant or slip into gratuitously foul language you have lost the battle. Again IMHO.
Just generallly speaking or did you have something or someone in mind? IMHO, this is a very civilized and polite forum. Regardless of diverse lifestyles and opinions, most everyone makes an effort to promote mutual respect so I'm thinking you're just letting us know your personal standard of behavior...not necessary directed at anyone or any lurker?
Well, Marliese, I agree that at present pace August's occasional contributions things are very gentil around here. Nevertheless, I invite you to spend some time on the backlog of this blog if you want to read some Grade A incivility.
But what I wrote is just my opinion. worth as much or as little as any one else here's, and I assure you was not aimed at anyone in particular.
Frank, I've been reading this blog from day one, and reread the backlog often to refresh details etc and honestly, I wish I could have known a few members that are no longer with us here...
When someone or something is offensive, and there have been a few, I can either move ahead and ignore what they say or head for the exit door.
I'm just saying...considering the subject matter, I think this is a pretty civilized and intelligent place, backlog and all. And there aren't any registered sex offenders seeking refuge and support here, not that I've heard anyway.
Marliese, there is someone who no longer blogs here who is being rather uncivil(peripherally). While I can't speak for Marilyn, I do venture to guess it's the reason she closed her blog. All is good here! (and Becca, I love your posts too! My fellow Canuck!)
Drat, Marilyn closed her blog. While I did not agree with everything she wrote, I adamantly support her right to be heard. And the John Mellon-head parody song was utterly hilarious!
Hi Lil,
Yeah I got that...because his name has been mentioned a few times in recent posts, along with the blog name...
Thanks for the heads up though...nothing worse on a blog than being out of the loop. And there's a big loop re TLB board back story. :)
Yes, Marliese, I'll support what Nancy just posted. I too have had my blog recently 'invaded' by someone who used to post here - someone whose trademark is the annoying habit of deleting his/her posts shortly afterwards. I gather this same person has been posting on Nancy and Marilyn's blogs too.
Actually in my case I don't care - the only reason for the blog in my case is to allow people to contact me without giving them my email.
In fact probably the least civil person on this blog right now is the good Col himself, bless him. But that's probably why we're here.
And here's some more French for AC - just to prove I sometimes agree with her (and sometimes disagree), and with Voltaire, who is alleged to have said:
je ne suis pas d'accord avec vos idées mais je me battrai pour que vous puissiez les exprime
Hey, what a cultured and democratic lot we are! Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité ... ben, ouisch ouisch
A bientôt
Hi marliese,Yup! read them...(Re:delete, delete)....very,very interesting ride.. I'll say no mo...
Frank, Loving the French makes me feel at home..
FrankM said...
Yes, Marliese, I'll support what Nancy just posted. I too have had my blog recently 'invaded' by someone who used to post here - someone whose trademark is the annoying habit of deleting his/her posts shortly afterwards. I gather this same person has been posting on Nancy and Marilyn's blogs too.
Yes Frank...that's why at the outset of this conversation I asked if your admonition for civility was general musing or directed elsewhere.
So...since we're giving delete delete attention, I'll follow Lil's lead and say no more. :)
Back on topic, agree with support for Marilyn's right to be heard.
Not (yet) interested in what may be motivating her to speak, just wanted to hear more of what she had to say...the rest might have come out eventually. I hope she's alright.
"je ne suis pas d'accord avec vos idées mais je me battrai pour que vous puissiez les exprime"
"I agree with your ideas, but the batteries in your pussy are extreme" ???
Excuzes Moi, but during HS French lessons, I was busy taking Motorcycle Maintenance class (off campus), Comprendez Vous?
As for creative blog entries, unlike the good Colonel on this fine and worthy medium, I selfishly demand that folks who write entries to my journal must stay on topic, so I killed one Savage post, yet the others remain intact. And quite welcome, I may add. I've returned the favor on his own blog.
Please come back, Marilyn, and tell us more. Like, enlighten us as to why Deane is stalking you, 15 years after he got out of the joint? Not that I doubt your word... just usually, stalking has a mental or emotional trigger.
I Just peed my pants!!! Too funny!
No, no batteries. It's something about I don't agree with your ideas but I can fight for you to express them.
OK, this is so totally off topic. Col feel free to delete (I dare not).
Here goes (and no pussies I'm afraid).
The English version of the quote is uually:
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
Although attributed to François-Marie Arouet (aka Voltaire) there is no written evidence he ever said this. What he apparently did say (in a letter he wrote to M. le Riche dated February 6, 1770) is:
"Monsieur l'abbé, I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write"
("Monsieur l'abbé, je déteste ce que vous écrivez, mais je donnerai ma vie pour que vous puissiez continuer à écrire").
If you'll pardon my French.
Apparently this letter has disappered too but there is reference to it.
Now, about the TLB case ...
Has anyone bought Hendrickson's DVD yet?
I can't order from Canada... sad...sniff.....'Lil
As I was the one that took us all so hopelessly off course with this foreign language stuff I guess I have some responsibility in getting us back on track.
Now where were we? Ah, oui, sorry, Ouisch.
I always understood it was George Spahn that gave this name to Ruth Ann. Some claim it was due to a noise she made in coital action - personally I prefer not to dwell overlong on the spectacle of the pretty fourteen year old conjoined with the blind octogenarian. Presuming old George was not also deaf, let us hope he just heard her from afar. Or, better, that there was some other reason for naming her thus.
George seems to have named many of the girls who hung out at Spahn Ranch and at lest one of the boys (Tex). Not quite sure why – Squeaky apparently for the way she responded when he ran his boney fingers up her thigh (I’m beginning to wonder about George); Cappy, because like swallows to San Juan Capistrano she kept coming home (a Trona girl with DV connections); and, bene, se non e vero, e ben trovato (sorry, forgot, won’t do it again).
But what I wanted to ask about Ouisch is why she was never prosecuted for attempting to murder the Hoyt. Assuming it’s true – Hoyt has never been unafraid to lie, even on oath.
I understand that Ouisch was located by the police more than once in the early 70s, but they simply let it (and her) go.
Wheels within wheels? Flatfoot inefficiency? Or simply that these dirty hippies were not deemed worth wasting taxpayers’ money on? Your views here, please, preferably in English.
Hmm... well then,.. maybe Spahn just misunderstood and she was saying "yeesh" (as in Ew...Ick!). I think I read once that they let it go because of the expense and not wanting to renew media exposure...probably as simple as that...
I just refamiliarized myself with some facts from Catscradles site.... (and hopefully I'm not being overly repetitive to some). Ruth was charged with "drugging a prosecution witness". I'm guessing the prosecution didn't think there was enough evidence or support for an attempted murder charge. She pled "no contest" and then bailed before sentencing for which they caught up with her four years later. She was freshly bandaged from plasic surgery performed to remove the X on her forehead. Not too sure the outcome from that proceeding...but may be as I suggested earlier..... they just didn't want to "go there"
I would like to know what she looks like today,she was a very pretty girl
Hmmm new topic Col please
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