I'm not gonna lie to you. I just plowed through three really huge transcripts. They turn out to be the voir dire/ jury selection for the original, pre-appeal Grogan-Davis-Manson Shea case. The attorneys ask a lot of questions about a lot of things to a lot of people, and in the end I don't think it means shit. EVERYONE has heard that Charlie is a bad guy so even when they say, hey we can be impartial, I think they are lying.
So the only comment from all THREE is
- they keep referring to the "murders up in Yuba County". Is this the migrant workers case from back then? Does anyone know?
Joe, our knowledgeable curmudgeon, has a thread going in the comments....
Re: Hinman's cars at Spahn. When the sheriffs conducted their "mini" raid of the ranch on July 28, 1969, they recorded that Hinman's cars were there. Of course, he was rotting in his house at that moment. So why the hell didn't Manson immediately panic and assume that the sheriffs would make the connection after discovering the body and come back to the ranch to arrest everybody? Not only didn't the cops -- Grap, etc. --make the connection but Manson proved prescient in his assumption (apparently) that they wouldn't make the connection. BB didn't leave in the Fiat until August 3 or 4th, and the VW bus was sold on the 1st of August. So he took precautions, a little late, to get rid of cars, but still didn't seem too worried about the cops linking him/them to the Hinman murder. Why? What did Manson know that made him so (correctly) fearless?
Col: What you've got to finally accept is that BB is lying when he says Hinman said he was going to the cops. BB is the only one who says this. The girls haven't said it. Davis hasn't said it. They said they were scared Hinman would go to the cops, but they've not said he threatened to. BB concocted the drug deal story in the mid-eighties when he realized that as long as the parole board believed he killed Hinman under Manson's orders he would NEVER get released. His drug burn story was invented solely to separate him from the Manson Family stigma that has prevented him from being released for so long. Just like Davis, Atkins, Leslie, etc., as long as he is linked to Manson he will never get out -- or at least not for a helluva lot more years. And he's smart enough to know that. Both Davis and Atkins have told the board they knew nothing of BB's alleged drug deal. Under specific questioning, Atkins said BB never said anything to Hinman about money owed for bad drugs. We know Atkins has lied in the past, but why would she lie about this? Wouldn't suit any purpose. And BB's version of the Hinman murder has changed how many times now? Three by my count. 1. To the police: Hinman was killed by the Panthers. 2. To the court: Hinman was killed by Manson. 3. To the board: Hinman was killed by him. Of course Hinman would not tell them he was going to the police, and of course if he was a major drug dealer he'd never go to the police. Truth is, he didn't tell them that and he didn't sell drugs. He was killed on Manson's orders because the $20,000 wasn't turned over.
Because he is mitigating his responsibility. He's changing the story to serve his own purposes -- and in the course, painting a false picture of a dead man who can't defend himself as a drug dealer. BB is still selfish, controlling, manipulative and capable of committing vile acts to advance his cause. The evidence is in the lies.
Joe Baby, let me help you out---
A-- Manson didn't know the details of what happened at Hinman. Manson thought Bobby actually had validly signed pink slips. The cops are stupid. All of these are better reasons than manufacturing some sort of conspiracy shit.
B-- YOU are just WRONG. The drug burn is clearly spelled out in the original THE FAMILY that Sanders wrote in 1972. Clearly. So, well, sucks, but you are wrongo.
C-- Bobby is the only one who says HE DID IT. He's not mitigating shit no matter how much unsubstantiated bullshit Joe spews.
Have a nice day.
I do not take anything as gospel.
YOUR CLAIM- BB started making the drug story up in the 80s.
FACT- it is cited in Sanders book in 1972.
Hence- you= wrong.
I do not take anything as gospel.
YOUR CLAIM- BB started making the drug story up in the 80s.
FACT- it is cited in Sanders book in 1972.
Hence- you= wrong.
This guy makes Charlie look like a choirboy...
Born same year as Charlie and resides at same address...
Juan Vallejo Corona - The Machete Murderer
Juan Corona (born 1934) moved from Mexico to Yuba City, California in the 1950s to work as a produce field-worker.
Juan Corona was a labor contractor who hired migrant workers for produce fields in California. In a murder spree lasting six weeks, he raped and murdered 25 men and buried their machete-hacked bodies in the orchards owned by local farmers.
.........."On May 19, 1971, the corpse of an adult male was found in a shallow grave on a farm. The owner called the police, who dug up the surrounding area in case there were more bodies. Soon enough they found a total of twenty-five corpses, all men and evidently farm laborers. They had all been hacked and slashed to death with a machete.".........
Presently resides in Corcoran State Prison.
And Col., since you didn't do it (for now-apparent reasons), I looked up Sander's "source" for his info on this notorious Hinman drug burn motive. Well, just as I suspected, it's pretty damn lame: ONE un-named married couple in Topanga (later, he says hubby's name was "Eric") and Manson's comments to some "visitors" in jail. Geez. That's the basis for your entire theory of the Hinman murder?! C'mon.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
If you read this blog you know I mistrust Sanders.
But stop behaving like a sixth grade debate student.
I said that was UNTRUE.
I could have pointed to many sources, including the trials. But the FACT that it was mentioned (true or not) in Sanders in 72 means, INARGUABLY, that BB did NOT make this shit up in the 80s.
Get it?
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