We're at the end. We are unlikely to make strong sense out of all of this but hell we can try, no?
9- Charlie leaves- Bobby/Sadie/Mary continue to threaten and abuse to get the money. Gary promised to go to the police.
10 - Gary mounts a last ditch effort for freedom. Bobby stabs. Girls clean up. Writing on walls.
Here's where all the official stories officially do NOT make sense to me.
You've got your ear slashed. You're having a hell of a day. You basically are fucked. And then you sit there, in more trouble than you have ever seen and you TELL THE PEOPLE YOU ARE WITH THAT YOU ARE FOR SURE GOING TO REPORT THEM TO THE COPS? I mean I don't think so. Even if they didn't have LAW AND ORDER back in 1969 they had plenty of cop shows. You tell everyone "look, this has been a bad day all around, let's just get me some medical attention and I'll forget everything." THEN you call the coppers. But according to EVERY single report I have read Gary assures Bobby, Sadie and Mary that they are going to be reported to the police no matter what they do.
I don't get it. You could argue like some that he really thought that they were his friends and they were closer than we could understand and he was trying to scare them. But you have a GASH in your face that needs stitches. No, it doesn't compute for me at all.
I do understand the final ditch effort for freedom. Very filmic. I do understand Bobby killing him. Oddly, in the two conversations I had with Bobby, I TRIED to spin the murder as almost an accident, that he did it in the heat of the moment, but he assured me that no, he thought about it and decided to kill Gary rather than face the music. I do admire his forthrightness if not his actions.
But what he doesn't answer clearly, nor does the casework, is where the Christ the idea to paint on the walls and blame the Panthers comes from. Because this was not an everyday occurrence in 1969 Topanga Canyon. No one has been able to show me where the idea came from. It was lame ( the police did NOT blame the Panthers or even blacks) and macabre (does not sound like it came from Charlie either).
So we have two more things we need the answers to
1- Why would Gary assure his killers he would go to the police?
2- Why did Bobby and Sadie and Mary write in blood on the walls?
Remember- the killers were NOT scared of being caught. They stole Gary's cars and drove them back to the Ranch. Bobby is captured in the Fiat. Gary is not found for days.
The Col has enjoyed this particular dissection with you. He doesn't have all the answers. But he does believe that the ultimate solution to TLB has its roots in Hinman. No Hinman killing does yield no TLB killings by any equation.
The Col prays for an answer in his lifetime.
Salem said...
at a parole hearing for susan, Debra made mention that Gary was a friend of her family , even tho he didnt live there.
So .Didnt Debra know Bobby? Bobby had been living there with Gary in the basement for a year or so, and family members were freinds with Gary also.
2:10 PM
Where did you hear this and which parole hearing was it. I would like to read this for myself because Debra being friends with Bobby sounds far fetched. It just seems like a huge reach for a conspiracy. JMO
ummm that last link is lame
I wonder if Gary knew about the shooting of Bernard Crowe?
If he did then maybe he just knew that they were going to kill him and nothing would stop them. Of course this doesn't explain why he gave the gun back to Bobby. If he just accepted that they were going to kill him then maybe he was so angry he made sure they knew that he would go to the police, because drug dealer or not, the police still don't like people stabbing and suffocating people until they die.
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