Okay so if you are cool like the Col you always wondered how come Kay and BUG never mention one another, like in hearings and interviews and shit. Kay gets a passing nod in HS, but that's very little.
Well, thanks to my new toys, the Yalkowsky Collection and the LA Times Archives, now we know- KAY WAS THE SOURCE WHO TESTIFIED THAT BUG HAD PERJURED HIMSELF DURING THE TLB TRIAL.
I know so many of you Turner and KTS types LOVE Kay, think he is an honest and hard working man. Those are the same people who think BUG wrote a true account of the murders.
Well, what do you think NOW? Mr. HONEST KAY testifies under oath that BUG committed a Death Penalty offense.
Now I know many of you just went- WHAT THE HELL is the Col babbling about?
But as any disbarred attorney can tell you, PERJURY in a DEATH PENALTY trial itself carries the DEATH PENALTY.
Yeah yeah, dream on Col.
I am so glad to be getting this shit out on the www because it just ain't there. Rumors, innuendo- but now proof- not just my version, but verified stories.
Nice day.
(Click on the articles themselves to read better)
Sorry, I cannot read any of the news articles. "clicking" on them makes them a lil' bit clearer but not enough to read them.
I will offer again to transcribe them and email you the results in a word or whatever format so they can be reposted by you.
It would be my small contibution to this blog.
Well done ColScott!
I'm a confirmed fan!
There's always new facts and angles to be found here!
You seem to have a collection of news articles.
I'm sure its nice to have a concentrated collection of these and other flotsam.
But, proof? I have to doubt it. Maybe LEADS.
Proof to me is testimony under oath, maybe. Or DNA evidence gathered.
A news article....not proof.
Hi, cats.
Bug does seem to grasp this case as his career trial, cats.
Wouldn't you?
And who would doubt that Bug would not try anything to obtain the objective...just as the defense would if they were up to the task.
The Bug did his job.
Sometimes back in that politically incorrect world was how it was done.
Along with taking suspects down to the basement for "interrogation".
What lawsuit are they talking about in which Kay gave his deposition in the first place with 2 other Manson lawyers?
If newspaper articles were proof, then the rumors of Sharon being found nude with her breasts cut off, her baby being removed from her womb, Jay with his pants around his ankles and the orgies would have been true as well. But we know they weren't...
But even still, this Bugliosi stuff is VERY interesting!!
I think a lot of people like Kay, not for who he is as a person, but because he went to every parole hearing and did everything he could to keep these people locked up...
Now I'm gunna go read the article lol
Well cats, there was the jury.
So, outlandish behaviour by Bug isn't the whole story.
And there was a judge.
And the lunatic behaviour from the defendants....was a jurist not to be persuaded or scared by that?
Bug wasn't judge, jury and executioner.
There is no doubt the case was decided on emotion and hysteria.
But it wasn't all the Bug's fault.
Bashing the Bug a little is ok, but isn't the whole story.
Yeah, he took advantage.
I think the jurists were predominately white middle class, lol.
Just like their upbringing.
This is all like Charles Manson's big wet dream; the "pigs" who locked him up fighting and clashing amongst each other over ego, career advancement, and possible corruption.
See, he says to Sandy and Lynnette, society is all corrupt and evil.
But beyond my pedantic observations, I find it hard to take a lot of this in outside of the context of political campaign battles. it happens in any campaign, and only got dirtier as time went on to the point where Karl Rove was insinuating that John McCain fathered a black baby in order to turn conservative southern voters against McCain in the GOP primaries.
catscradle77 said...
And wasn't the phone call from Cielo to the Ranch in some kind of evidence file or something? Why did both the prosecution and defense leave out an explanation for that??? (an oopps wrong number even???)
Why was Garretson let off the hook so easily?
Why was Suzan found not competent to testify at the trial but could handle her Mom's estate? Then, only come forward and try to say she forgave Tex and only Tex? Why not Leslie, and Pat?
Good questions, but no one knows why...
As for Suzan forgiving Tex and not the others.. I think it's because she knew Tex before the murders. I also think she had a "thing" for him...
I'm told that she no longer supports him...
catscradle77 said...
>>>And wasn't the phone call from Cielo to the Ranch in some kind of evidence file or something? Why did both the prosecution and defense leave out an explanation for that??? (an oopps wrong number even???)<<<
Probably because no one could come up with a satisfactory explanation and no one wanted to confuse the jury with things that were too open for interpretation.
The Monk guesses, is all.
But hell, what do I know. I'm still trying to figure out why a drug burn between Tex/Linda and the victims never came up during the penalty phase either in court or out on the corner. That just makes noooooo sense to me at all. Helter Skelter almost makes more sense to me.
Those were some different times...Kent State...besieged by a supposed drug invasion...the Vietnam war....your kids rejecting your Eisenhower values...you discovering Valium...discovering divorce.
Railroading some little freak and his gonorrhea infected throw aways was not a big issue.
Ha Ha Cats, Doris and Col. Tate showed a lot of restraint over the years on any number of occasions.
Seriously, if Sharon were my sister or my niece or my good friend, and I had to walk past the spectacle on Temple and Broadway to get into the courtroom, there might have been another trial added to the mix; me, a baseball bat, and some black-and-blue Manson followers.
meatwad said...
>>>Those were some different times...Kent State...besieged by a supposed drug invasion...the Vietnam war....your kids rejecting your Eisenhower values...you discovering Valium...discovering divorce.
Railroading some little freak and his gonorrhea infected throw aways was not a big issue.<<<
Well, tell that to Sandra Good who claimed that the only reason Manson was railroaded was because "They (America) couldn't face the fact that their children, their product, the children of the system, could commmit these murders which was really just an expression of how the youth were so alienated from their culture".
>>>But hell, what do I know. I'm still trying to figure out why a drug burn between Tex/Linda and the victims never came up during the penalty phase either in court or out on the corner. That just makes noooooo sense to me at all. Helter Skelter almost makes more sense to me.<<<
Sorry, I meant during the GUILT phase. It did come up during the PENALTY phase (along with Linda was the mastermind, Linda was at Gary Hinman's murder not Leslie, blah blah blah).
Monk said,
"But beyond my pedantic observations, I find it hard to take a lot of this in outside of the context of political campaign battles. it happens in any campaign, and only got dirtier as time went on to the point where Karl Rove was insinuating that John McCain fathered a black baby in order to turn conservative southern voters against McCain in the GOP primaries."
It is not pedantic it is disjointed, lol.
WTF is your point?
catscradle77 said...
>>>ROFLMAO...where did I read the rumor that the reason they acted so freaky in the trial was that someone was dipping their clothes in LSD???<<<
I cant recall where I read that too. Pretty far-fetched. BUT, Leslie and Patricia DID tell Diane Sawyer that they WERE taking LSD in jail during the trial.
Monk said,
"Well, tell that to Sandra Good"
I will....what's her phone number?
meatwad said...
>>>It is not pedantic it is disjointed, lol.
WTF is your point?<<<
Sorry meatwad it's been a long week and I haven't had enough coffee today. I was just commenting on how Charlie would probably enjoy reading about how the "pigs" who put him away were slagging each other off.
The stuff I said about John McCain was just a comment on how political campaigns are dirty by nature and these newspaper article accusations about Bug, Kay, Farr etc. were part of a mud-slinging political campaign.
meatwad said...
>>>I will....what's her phone number?<<<<
She asked me not to share it with you because she knows you're just a player who wants some MILF action.
MILF.....F'n MILF, lol?
Monk said,
"She asked me not to share it with you because she knows you're just a player who wants some MILF action."
You gotta be kidding.
She wasn't hot back then.
She was a shrew and always will be. If that's hot, go get it boy.
Gone git me one dem shrews. Gib dem da git outa jail card so I just has to calls dem.
I know wut you means, cats. I heard one toilet seat knocked up 50 womens at a county fair.
Talks about overpeopleation.
Dayum...do you know anyone that does pottery?
We could do a bunch "o" chee pets.
Melcher, Kay....let your mind race.
I wouldn't mind having a Paul Watkins chee pet and grow stuff on it like herbs.
Dang..a George Spahn chee pet..yahooo!
That be sight to see.
Blind wit dat womens suckin' on dat root.
I wan git dat.
meatwad said...
>>>MILF.....F'n MILF, lol?
You gotta be kidding.
She wasn't hot back then.
She was a shrew and always will be. If that's hot, go get it boy.<<<
meat, I jest. She's not exactly my type either, then or now. I wouldn't say she was a bad-looking girl but the second she opened her mouth I'd be running for the hills faster than Linda SHOULD HAVE been running from Cielo Drive.
Talk about gunning the engine brother/sisterhood.
My guess is that most of those girls annoyed the crap out of non-Family men. Charlie this, Charlie that, Charlie the other thing. Could you please shut up about this Charlie dude for just a second, hon?
I said...
>>>meat, I jest. She's not exactly my type either, then or now.<<<
that said, I sure wouldn't mind a conversation with her over some wine made from organic grapes. I'm sure it would be lots of spirited fun!
ok cats here em dat charlie song..sung to "shaft"
charlie can you here me?
charlie, charlie charlieeeee.....
who da man dat wont cop out? when dere danger all about?
who it da man dat trust his fellow man...
thats right.
He a complicated man but nobody understands him but Sandra...
wutchu talkin bout Watkins do, foo
Right on....
LOL Meatwad....
Cat said: maybee a Kim freekie outtie o'chee to place next to dat Paul Herbhead..
or ho bout nex to da fi r place.
Cat, Meat, Ya'll are a riot.
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