Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Thinking Out Loud

Do you think when they find nothing at Barker those so called
Po-Lice will get fired?

Do you think when Sadie dies the other girls might speak more plainly about what they know?

Do you think that Manson Girls film is actually gonna get made?


A.C. Fisher Aldag said...

To answer the good Colonel's questions:



And, no.


!.) The law enforcement union in California is sterling. Police officers can beat minorities to death, shoot young children and claim they perceived a tangible threat, and blow major celebrity investigations with impunity. Nobody EVER gets fired. Transferred, perhaps, but not fired. Therefore, proposing a search for cold-case murder victims isn't going to ravage anyone's job security, either.

2.) All of the other ladies are devoutly chanting the mantra of "My Hippy Cult Leader Made Me Do It." That's their story, and they're stickin' to it.

3.) This movie needs investors. Who are running away in abject terror. They're not the least bit frightened by the notion of scary Manson Family enforcers knocking on their front door in the middle of the night, brandishing sharpened weapons. They know that we're all too busy checking our MySpace Pages. No, the potential backers are desperately afraid of losing large chunks of valuable investment money and not being able to claim a tax write-off. That's the true reason this movie will tank like an East Indian ferryboat.

BTW, Colonel, my dear husband deeply appreciated the Biblical reference, to those bears devouring the bratty little children in the desert, in retribution for the sin of mocking Jehova's prophet. We are cheerily anticipating the day when Jay Leno tells one too many jokes about Mr. Manson during his nightly monologue. Hey, they'll be able to broadcast that episode on Animal Planet as well as CNN -- and garner twice the advertising revenue!

FrankM said...


you say:

Do you think when Sadie dies the other girls might speak more plainly about what they know?

Can you spell out more clearly what's behind this? Like, why would Susan's death change anything?

And as for your first question, I think they probably will find bones. Not saying there's any Manson connection, but why shouldn't someone have died/been killed/been buried in that part of DV in the last hundred years.

Seems reasonable enough to me.

As for the film getting made, I fear it will, one way or another ... there is still huge interest in Manson. But not with that script - no film company lawyer would allow that.

But you know more about film making than I do.


starship said...

and wassup with Squeaky coming forward to help authorities with the Barker Ranch thing? And Tex gonna make a statement any second now? If there ain't nothin at Barker, what is Squeaky gonna show or tell them? "This is where we didn't kill people, and this is where we didn't bury the people we didn't kill." I don't know...something is sure fishy here.

A.C. Fisher Aldag said...

Pristash: I'll believe that Lynette has rolled on Charles when I hear the unaltered audio clip of the interview, and not just read a dubious statement made by those in authority. It seems to me like a ruse, a device to get him to believe that she has narked, in an effort to gain his testimony. Not gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

Ummm. I am a little surprised be recent developments regarding Lynette Fromme, although I think there has been some recent discussion here and elsewhere regarding Sandra Goode going off the reservation, so maybe it's catching.

As with all media reports, we must remain skeptical. I only saw that little local news clip on bret's site. I'd like to see some more to gauge the BS factor here.

As has been pointed out, this would increase the odds in favor of a body find hugely if true. One of her jobs in the family was to scarf up all of the credit cards and drivers licenses, so it's possible she might know a lot more than some about identities, which I think would be a big issue here.

Does anyone know if Lynette is up for parole or something? What's her sentence? Is she in for life (unless paroled) or does she have a fixed term?

If she has a fixed term (and she would get out anyway) it would lead one to believe she has some guilt and remorse and wants to do the right thing. It would also make some others who shall not be named look bad in terms of parole possibilities for exactly the opposite reason.

Brian Davis said...

Col, Thanks for the post !

I have to ask the same question as Frank,

Why would Susan Atkins' death change anything in regards to the other girls speaking out ?

Blipcrotch, Hi !

Lynette is serving a life sentence
in a fed med prison in Texas.

She has been eligible for parole since 1985 but apparently waives her right to the hearings and chooses to stay in prison.

Which somewhat supports your theory that maybe she feels some kind of guilt or something else.
Because she could probably get out if she wanted to. Especially since Sara Moore did the exact same thing as Fromme and Moore was recently released. In fact, Moore actually fired her gun. As you probably know, Lynette never fired hers and and there were no bullets in the chamber.

So maybe her coming out with this is due to the past eating at her and she does want to do the right thing.

And when is Tex supposed to issue his major staement ?

I can't believe Tex would think this would help his parole chances...isnt it a bit late in the game for Tex to be cutting deals like Clem ? IF that is his thinking.

Hello to everyone !
Hope all is well in your parts of the world !

Brian Davis said...

For anyone intrested, I wrote the writer and director of that Manson Girls movie, Matthew Bright.

My letter is first then Mr. Brights reply:

Mr. Bright,

Hi, I am a reader/member of The Official Tate-LaBianca Murder Blog owned and authored by
one Col Scott. http://tatelabianca.blogspot.com

Recently, The good Col has been posting excerpts from your movie script and plans for your possible
movie of The Manson Girls or other possible titles.

As you probably know, other film attempts to portray the family members, their behaviour
and the events of that time in regards to the family, have failed miserably. Both Helter Skelter movies were
horrible in acting, delivering facts of the case, and their overall portrayal of the lifestyle of the family.

PLEASE don't make the same mistakes.

If what I have read thus far is in fact your script, I strongly urge you to rewrite it.

And the true motive was not Helter Skelter. That is just what Charlie had the family members thinking it was.

Also, if it is a fact that the movie will highlight Nancy Pitman, I find that very interesting because I
think she may be the one who knows the true motives of this case.

Have you guys been consulting or talking with her ? You may also want to try and talk to Tex and Squeeky.

And about the casting...if it is true that you are casting Lindsay Lohan to play Nancy then TRASH THAT IDEA NOW PLEASE !

First, Lohan looks more like Squeeky than any of them but moreso, Lohan is not a good actress.

Thanks for your time.

My Best Regards,

Dear Brian

Please let Don Murphy know that he's welcome to open up a private communication with me to discuss his concerns.

Matthew Bright

Now maybe you fine people can help me out here....who is Don Murphy again ? And what does he have to do with the movie ?

If anyone else has written,( I think AC has) what was your reply back ? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

Hi Brian. Thanks for the info.

With regard to the other question the Col. posed: If Susan dies in the hospital, I doubt the chess pieces move around a great deal, at least in any obvious ways. It might cause some people to do some deep thinking about mortality, and the end game in all of this, which is meeting the maker.

The news about Lynette Fromme has a lot more potential to shake things up. True believer, Family Quartermaster, Mock Presidential Assassin, Croatian Nationalist Hammer Claw Attacker, Parole hearing Refusenik, Charlie Loyalist, Federal Prison Escapee, cooperating with the authorities... it would be very, very bad for a certain "political prisoner" in comparison, showing what it means to truly come clean, as opposed to copping to the bare minimum and simply being well adapted to institutional life.

Anonymous said...

Who is ?

ColScott said...

Don Murphy is a film producer who recently did THE TRANSFORMERS. On at least two prior occasions people have accused the Col of being Don Murphy. Don Murphy and the Col have NOTHING to do with the film MANSON GIRLS. This is because the script is stupid, inaccurate and retarded.

A.C. Fisher Aldag said...

Mr Davis inquired: "If anyone else has written,( I think AC has) what was your reply back? Just curious."

Nope, I merely passed along the producer's and director's names, job titles, and some of their atrocious script to my dear friends in CSP-Corcoran-One, with the offer to forward any messages, since e-mail is not available to them. It could take up to six weeks for a reply. And they might choose to shine it on. If any commentary is offered, I'll be certain to let you-uns know.

And does this mean that Mr. Bright is accusing you of being a stooge? Shame on him!

Dear Colonel: My kids have Transformers everything: Transformers bedsheets, Transformers underwear, even Transformers tattoos. They named their cats after the Transformers. No really, I'm not just sucking up... I didn't actually understand the movie, myself. Okay, this remark was apropos of nothing at all.

Everyone: If and when there is a reunion at Spahn Ranch, count me in. As I am certain that members of the Amerikan "Free" Press will arrive in droves, it will present a fine opportunity to prostheletize about African Tradesmen Wanting Armistice. While a police investigation is pending, I propose that we should leave Barker's alone, lest we be accused of tampering with an investigation. ("Hey, Sniffy, put that bone down this instant! Bad doggy!")

ColScott said...

Now you are labeling me Murphy. Truth is I didn't understand the Transformers movie and turned it off half way through.

A.C. Fisher Aldag said...

Not necessarily, Colonel, but I posted that remark just in case Mr. Murphy was reading this. He seems to be a Manson afficiando, after all. Trying to keep track of all the secret identities gives me indigestion.

starship said...

Ah, but is Mr. Murphy married to a supermodel?

Brian Davis said...

Pristash, LOL !!!

angeLos said...

No, because it is not impossible that they find some bones, maybe with some ugly knive marks like the ones on SS


No idea

Albert Hoffman , the father of LSD died 30th april at the age of 102...
An author in the 60' wrote that LSD is the Christ of the Twentieth Century under chemical form.
Not having taken such a substance I can not have any thoughts about it , but it is strange that the "family"
thought CM was some kind of Christ...
maybe LSD had something to do with it ?

grimtraveller said...

Yeah, it did. And a number of people that took it thought they themselves were Christ, including Charlie, Vince Taylor and John Lennon.
As Steve Turner put it, many emerged from the acid experience "not knowing whether they'd seen God or were God."