...Truth has not special time of its own. Its hour is now — always and indeed then most truly when it seems unsuitable to actual circumstances. (Albert Schweitzer).....the truth about these murders has not been uncovered, but we believe the time for the truth is now. Join us, won't you?
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Mathew "Bright"
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Thinking Out Loud
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Funniest Shit Evah!

Jimmy, the obsessed fan from Staten Island who thinks the murdering whore Leslie Van Houten loves him has just posted THE FUNNIEST SHIT.
I beg you to go read it.
He just paid $850 or so for two old file photos. Photos that every paper in the country had. And he thinks Debra should leave the murdering whore LVH alone in return for the photos.
You will blow snot.
I did.
Here are the photos. For you. For free. Wait till he realizes he didn't buy the copyright when he bought the photos!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The People Behind the Movie THE MANSON GIRLS

Producer: Brad Wyman
He is the guy who is trying to get Lindsay Lohan insured. The guy with the bad hairdo.
The WRITER and DIRECTOR of this crappy film is
He is the bozo in the hat and earphones.
If you wish to contact them, like one blog member did, this is the best way.

But what you really want is more script commentary? How about the lame writer trying to make Brenda all sympathetic?
Brenda sits looking out at the ocean.
I hadn’t taken a drug in nearly a year and so I
was finally able to feel something for all those
people who’d been killed…
Brenda sits alone eating dinner across from her little brother in silence..
And when I heard what my friends had done to
the LaBiancas and how they’d posed the bodies
and carved “pig” on Mr. LaBianca’s stomach and
left this barbecue fork stuck in his body, I felt kind
of sick… And deep down, I knew their lives were
Brenda drives through the city listening to the radio.
Yes, caller number four… What do you think
about what pundits are calling the, “Trial of
the Century”?
I think they should dispense with this trial and
execute them… Anyone can see they’re guilty…
Brenda turns off the radio. It’s just too depressing.
I don’t know what made me drive downtown to
where the trial was being held… I guess I just
needed to be there
Brenda walks down the sidewalk where a bunch of NEWS VANS covering the Manson Trial are parked.
ANOTHER ANGLE – Squeaky, Sandra Goode and Gypsy sit on the sidewalk looking incredibly cheerful and surrounded by ONLOOKERS.
Oh, my God! You’re out! You’re out!
Squeaky leaps to her feet, then runs up and embraces Brenda for a long moment as Sandra and Gypsy rush up to hug her too.
Oh, my God! Where are you living?!
At my parent’s place, in Malibu.
Well, not anymore, you’re not!
No, Squeaky, listen... I have to stay in Malibu…
My bail was contingent on my being in the
custody of my parents… I can’t go anywhere…
Oh, bullshit… I rented a house a half a mile from
here and there’s plenty of room... Now come on…
We’ll go there now... I need to talk to you…
Brenda sits at the kitchen table snorting lines of crystal with Squeaky.
So right after the big bust in the desert, Dede’s
parents packed her off to Paris to be a model.
You know they weren’t gonna let her stick
around for this circus.
Yeah, and I wish her well… I really do… But she
was just a tourist… She was never really part of us...
Jeez, toward the end there, I don’t think I saw her
more than once or twice...
You know, Clem and Danny got indicted yesterday…
For what?
I keep forgetting you’ve been in jail all this time.
The day after you got busted, about a week before
the big move to Death Valley… We all got together
and killed Shorty.
Oh, my God.
Hey, you knew it was going to happen sooner or
Yeah, he was a pain in the ass all right.
It took a really long time too… First they started
on his feet and then they worked their way up to
his head. Just cutting and cutting... Fuck, it was
so intense...
That’s enough… I don’t want to hear anymore.
Then they hoisted him up by his feet and
Sorry... Sorry...
How’d they get caught?
How do you think?
Sadie, of course.
Of course it was Sadie... I’m lucky I’m not in
jail too.
Charlie was crazy to have Sadie do all that stuff.
Yeah, well... He’s only human...
Hey, wait’ll you meet the guys.
What guys?
Some guys Charlie hooked up with, for protection
from the blacks... Who, as you can imagine, are
pretty pissed off at him.
They’re calling themselves, “The Aryan
Brotherhood.” Anyway, two of ‘em staying here…
Wait’ll you meet ‘em… They’re so damn cute…
Listen, Squeaky... I have a curfew now... And I
really need to be getting back... It’s a long drive
to Malibu.
Squeaky gets a hard expression.
God, Brenda... I don’t even know you anymore.
Yeah, well... I don’t even know myself anymore.
Look, you’re Brenda McCann and you’re one of
us. And right now, Charlie and three of our sisters
are on trial for their lives not half a mile from
here and you want to go back to Malibu? What
the hell’s in Malibu?
Squeaky was right... There wasn’t anything in
Malibu to replace what I’d lost... So I risked
everything and broke the terms of my bail and
moved back in with Squeaky... And I didn’t care
if I went to jail for a thousand years... I just wanted
to belong again...
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Because the VD didn't get her 39 Years Ago
Woman involved in Sharon Tate's murder is in hospital
The Press-Enterprise
Susan Atkins, who took part in the bloody 1969 Tate-LaBianca murders as a member of the Charles Manson Family and shrugged off actress Sharon Tate's plea to save her unborn baby, has been hospitalized for more than a month with an undisclosed illness, a state prison spokeswoman confirmed Monday.
Atkins, who will be 60 on May 7, has been in stable condition since going to a hospital March 18.
Her location was described as "in the community" by Terry Thornton, a spokeswoman for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.
Federal privacy laws forbid disclosure of Atkins' location or the nature of her illness, Thornton said.
Atkins' husband and attorney in her latest bid for freedom in federal court, James W. Whitehouse, declined comment Monday. "I could be disbarred," he said, citing his role as Atkins' lawyer.
She is a longtime inmate at the California Institute for Women at Frontera near Chino, along with former Manson Family members Patricia Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten.
Atkins has been denied parole 13 times since her first hearing in 1976. Her most recent hearing was in 2005.
She is serving a life sentence on her convictions for eight murders linked to the cult of young men and women who followed Manson's orders in the summer of 1969 to commit mayhem that Manson called "Helter Skelter," after a Beatles song.
Manson believed the carnage would start a race war.
Atkins has long claimed she has reformed since following Manson. Her Web site claims she was "Born Again" in 1974 and contains downloads of her Bible studies. She also co-authored a 1977 book, "Child of Satan, Child of God."
Atkins took part in the slaughter of five people by knife and gunshot on Aug. 8, 1969, at the rambling Benedict Canyon home rented by Tate and her husband, director Roman Polanski. He was away at the time.
Tate, who was 8 ½ months pregnant when she was killed, was stabbed 16 times in the chest and back by Atkins and Charles "Tex" Watson, who is also serving a life sentence.
Parole Hearing
In a 1993 parole hearing, Atkins recalled the slaying.
She claimed she was asked by Watson to guard Tate, who was tied up and lying on the floor of her home.
"I was just sitting in front of her," Atkins said.
"What did she say?" Commissioner Manny Guaderrama asked.
"She asked me to let the baby live," Atkins said tearfully.
"And what did you say?" Guaderrama asked.
"I told her I didn't have mercy for her," she said.
She said she was not asking to be excused from the act.
"It is almost impossible to understand insanity," she said, "and that's what I was living with, insanity."
It was Atkins who prosecutors said tasted Tate's blood and used some of it to write "PIG" on a wall of the home.
Debra Tate
"I don't have any animosity for these people. I have gotten over that years ago," Debra Tate, 55, the sister of Sharon Tate and last living member of the Tate family, said Monday.
"I do think it is appropriate that they all will pass away while they are incarcerated," said Tate, who lives in Southern California. "I don't trust that they are less sociopathic than when they committed the murders 40 years ago."
Of Atkins' illness, Tate said, "I really do feel badly for her family."
One night after the Tate massacre, members of the Manson Family killed grocery executive Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary, in their home in the Los Feliz neighborhood of Los Angeles.
Atkins was not present at the LaBianca slayings, but she was convicted as a conspirator in the murders.
Atkins also was convicted for her participation in the July 1969 slaying of musician Gary Hinman, who prosecutors said was slain because the Manson Family wanted their money back from a bad drug deal. Hinman was stabbed and suffocated.
It was Atkins who wrote "Political Piggy" in blood on the wall of Hinman's home, authorities said.
"Susan Atkins: She was certainly an avid participant in all the Family activities, up to and including murder," Sandi Gibbons, a spokeswoman for Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley, said Monday.
Gibbons covered the Tate-LaBianca trials as a reporter, and still refers to Atkins as "Sadie," from her Family nickname as "Sexy Sadie" and alias as Sadie Mae Glutz.
Atkins was one of Manson's earliest followers, Gibbons said. "She bought his shtick -- hook, line and sinker. She was a believer and it cost her freedom and it cost a lot of people their freedom, because they believed in Manson."
Atkins has challenged her parole denial and sentence in federal court.
A 2002 claim that her civil rights as a prisoner were violated and a 2003 effort to find a federal issue in her imprisonment failed. The latest effort, which also seeks federal intervention, had a filing as recently as Feb. 7, court records show.
The Col Blogs.... So Debra Tate is the new BUGliosi, showing up like Punch for every show? How pathetic.... Winehouse worries about disbarment? How about a client or two Jim?.... the Federal case is an excellent idea if you want to be free- but will fail in her case... why couldn't she just deal with the fact that you stab a pregnant woman and dance in her blood and you ain't gonna get out evah?.... Sadie never could keep her story straight... Snitch!
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Remember to Shake Afterwards
Bret, the owner of the best Manson site on the web, thinks the Manson Girls Script is great. I wonder if it is the amazing dialogue (Fuck you- no Fuck You) or the fact that.... nah it just sucks beginning to end. Here's a scene at the Hinman house. Notice how he seems all down and into being the victim. Drive me to the emergency room indeed!
Sadie finds she can’t look Charlie in the eye and turns her attention back to
SADIE cont.
Let me look at it,
hands away… I need to look at it...
I can’t believe he did that!
completely split in half!
Great, you guys! Just great!
He really tore him a new ear hole.
Fuck off, Mary!
Now which one of you assholes is driving me to
the emergency room?
Forget it,
Let’s just keep this shit in house, okay?
Which means, I gotta sew your ear up myself,
No way you’re getting near my ear, Sadie! No
fucking way!
Look, I’m gonna go to the market an’ get some
food and find whatever I can for
Yeah, get some pizza or something… With meat,
okay? I’m tired of all this fucking vegetarian shit.
You want something,
you feel like?
Fuck you, Sadie!
I’ll just get whatever looks good.
I’m not eating anything with meat in it.
Sadie drives up and gets out of the car with a bag of groceries in her arms.
Sadie enters to find
Why’s he all tied up?
Because he threw a glass at me, okay?
So listen,
kinds of good stuff for your ear, okay?
You aren’t a doctor, Sadie... So stop pretending
you are. No way you’re touching my ear.
I used to work in a veterinary hospital, okay? So
we can do this the easy way with you cooperating,
or we can do it the hard way and then we’ll just sit
on you… It’s your choice,
You’re crazy!
Now hold still… I need to put this medicine
on it and it’s probably going to sting a little…
Sadie uncaps the plastic bottle of Bactine and squirts it all over his hair, his collar, his face, his eyes and sort of incidentally onto his wounded ear.
Fuck, it hurts! It hurts!
Well, I warned you didn’t I?
You’re being very brave,
proud of you.
Sadie then threads the dental floss into a sewing needle and sits down by
Nyom Nyoh Ringeh Kyoh… Nyom Nyoh…
ON BOBBY – watching the procedure and getting very queasy..
God, this is so disgusting...
ON MARY – queasy to the point of nausea.
Nyom Nyoh Ringeh Kyoh… Nyom Nyoh
Ringeh Kyoh…
TIGHT ON SADIE – concentrating intensely as she sews
GARY O.S. cont.
Nyom Nyoh Ringeh Kyoh… Nyom Nyoh
Ringeh Kyoh…
There… Now you look beautiful again.
Bobby looks over Sadie’s handiwork.
I gotta pee, okay…
Sadie grabs a bowl of bloody water and tosses the contents out the window, then hands it to Mary for
Take his pecker out so he can pee.
I think I can pee for myself, if you just fucking
untie me!
Not until you sign the cars over, okay?
Mary rolls
(to Mary)
Don’t forget to give it a little shake after.
Fuck you, Sadie.
you a super awesome blowjob.
No way!
Come on,
Fuck you!
Monday, April 07, 2008
About that MANSON GIRLS Movie....

First off let me note that neither the HOLLYWOOD REPORTER nor VARIETY have reported on this film yet. Considering they usually do a story on any film that even MIGHT get made one might assume that the movie THE MANSON GIRLS is more tenuous that one might think. And you would be correct.
Brad Wyman the producer is legendary in Hollywood for having lost his mind one year in Cannes, stripping naked and running up and down the Croisette. Matthew Bright the director, aside from directing the unmistakenly bad film FREEWAY directed a film called TIPTOES in which Gary Oldman played a dwarf. Yes you heard me. You could ask Matthew about the film but he got fired off of it pretty fast. He had nothing to do with the post production of the film at all. And then there is the alleged star Lindsay Lohan. Her last 5 films have been bombs. She has been in and out of rehab. Wyman said in his interview that they got insurance for her. But I don't believe they have insurance or even money to make the film. And thanks to her tabloid exploits I don't believe anyone will finance it- it would be like pissing money down the drain. Top that off with the screenplay I read- written not even on a screenwriting program but simply on Microsoft Word, it is stupid and grossly inaccurate and badly written. Helter Skelter the remake was better than what I read and THAT SUCKED.
But I got better reasons why I predict this never happens. The law of the land. You see, the real Nancy Pitman must now be aware of the possible existence of this film. She has not been looking for attention by lying out her ass like Gypsy. She has been quietly doing her planting and nursery work in Oregon. Now, the filmmakers have the right to depict her based on the public record, sure. But that means the court trials. And there is so much bullshit in the screenplay that any Errors and Omissions insurance company will refuse to insure it.
If Nancy Pitman is out there, get a lawyer honey. You can stop this film without trying and you really should. Protect whatever good name you earned over the last 30 years.
----------another scene from the screenplay- badly written and all inaccurate------------
A day time get together with about fifteen upscale Rock & Roll CELEBRITIES.
Mingling among the professionals are various Manson Girls, including Brenda, Squeaky and Sadie, really pouring it on and acting as flirty and vivacious as possible.
ANOTHER ANGLE - Dennis is introducing Charlie to various PARTY GOERS, one of whom is an enormous FAT WOMAN.
Hey, Cass... I want you to meet this guy I’m getting
ready to record… This is Charlie Manson... Charlie,
this is Cass Elliot, from the Mamas and the Papas…
Hello, Charlie… I’ve heard a lot about you.
Charlie proceeds to kiss ass with the rock stars to the point of nausea.
Hey, Mama Cass... I’ve been digging your records
for a long time now.
And this is Frank Zappa. Frank, this is Charlie
Your music is so groovy. Definitely groovy.
Frank takes an instant dislike to Charlie. Something about his heavy handed charm offensive just rubs him the wrong way.
Well, Charlie… We try to be groovy in
everything we do… Grooviness is definitely
one of the qualities we strive for…
Charlie catches the disrespect immediately. He gives Frank a cold look. Frank sees it
and laughs contemptuously. Dennis sees it too and takes Charlie by the arm.
Hey, Charlie… C’mere, there’s someone else
I want you to meet…
Charlie looks back coldly at Frank Zappa for a moment as Dennis leads him away to a MAN standing on the other side of the room with a beautiful blonde WOMAN.
DENNIS cont.
Charlie, this is my producer and our host, Terry
Melcher and his girlfriend, Candice Bergen…
Charlie looks Candice Bergen like she’s a particularly choice piece of meat.
I really like your movies, lady.
Why, thank you, Charlie. How nice of you to
say so.
ON BRENDA, SQUEAKY & SADIE – dancing with a funny little guy with a mustache. This is SONNY BONO (32).
So, Sonny... Where’s
She’s visiting her mom back east.
She’s really hot.
Yes, she’s definitely that.
Is she into girls?
You’d really have to ask her that yourself...
So, who’s your friend?
Sonny gestures toward Charlie who’s talking with Terry Melcher and Candice Bergen.
Oh, that’s Charlie... The most amazing man in
the world. And the next Bob Dylan... No, he’s
better than Bob Dylan.
Really... He’s like your guru or something?
Something like that.
Hey, Sonny...
Sadie leans in close to Sonny and puts her hand on his leg.
SADIE cont.
Wanna go inside?
Come on, you’ll have fun.
Sonny smiles – he’s going for it.
ON CHARLIE – talking with Terry and Candice, while Sonny can be seen being pulled into the house by Brenda, Sadie and Squeaky.
So, Charlie... Dennis tells me you’re into some
really happening sounds.
Candice sees Sonny go into the house with the girls and elbows Terry to get his attention.
Well, I’m just doing what comes honestly..
I like that. I do…
I was hoping you’d drop by and listen to what
Charlie’s doing when he gets a little more material
Say, don’t you have a tour coming up?
Yeah, but I’m letting Charlie use the studio…
Charlie’ll call and tell you when he’s ready to
show you something, won’t you, Charlie?
Definitely, man… Definitely…
ON CHARLIE – having big dreams of stardom.
Terry was this big time music producer whose
mom was that actress Doris Day… He was also
the guy who’d discovered Paul Revere and the
Raiders and he was also the producer for the
Byrds... And now he was going to be working
with Charlie...
Sonny Bono, sweating profusely and completely ripped, is holding Sadie up against the wall like Sonny Corleone in The Godfather, fucking her like some kind of animal, while Brenda and Squeaky in various stages of undress lay on the bed watching with stunned expressions..
Who would have thought Sonny Bono was such
a stud?
It’s always the quiet ones.
ON SADIE – being driven to new highs by Sonny Bono.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Monkey Boy's Blog

Some regulars have pointed out that I omitted the link to MONKEY BOY'S BLOG.
Go ahead and read the crazy shit the Monkey flings.
[Photo- Candygramma and Monkeyboy at a mtg of their yahoo group]
Some of the Most Laughable Shit Evah
This really is an excerpt from the Screenplay MANSON GIRLS by Matthew Bright.
It feels like it was written in crayon.
ON CHARLIE – watching Nancy and Sue as they step onto the shore with their boards.
Hey, girlie... What’s your name?
That’s Nancy, Charlie... Remember, that girl I was
telling you about? And you’re gonna dig her so much.
I already dig her…
Hey, you want to hang out with us today?
I probably shouldn’t.
SQUEAKY FROMME (19), steps from the Bus and crosses the sand to Charlie.
So, we finally meet the famous, Nancy Pitman...
But she looks more like a, “Brenda,” to me...
Don’t you think, Charlie?
Yeah, she does look like a “Brenda.”
ANOTHER ANGLE - Sue appears, carrying her surfboard over her head.
Hey, Charlie… Hey, Squeaky…
Sue leans her board against the seawall in front of her house, as Charlie takes Brenda’s hand and leads her toward the bus parked at the curb.
Brenda, Sue and Dede climb aboard with Squeaky and Charlie following behind.
POV – FIVE GIRLS and several BIG DOGS sit on a carpet inside the bus.
Listen up, ladies… This is Brenda… Brenda,
this is Ouish…
OUISH (16), (pronounced “Wheesh”) smiles warmly..
And that there’s Snake… And that one there
with the baby’s Sadie…
SUSAN ATKINS aka “SADIE”, holding the BABY’S arm up and making him wave.
CHARLIE O.S. cont.
And Squeaky, who you met… She’s sort’a like
everyone’s mom... And Yeller...
Welcome to our magic bus, Brenda.
She don’t know it yet, but my little crystal ball
tells me, she’s gonna be gettin’ real close.
Oh, I am, am I?
You was lost, Brenda… But now you’re found…
You just didn’t know it ‘cuz you been asleep
your whole life...
Charlie gets behind the wheel as Brenda sits among the Girls, where Squeaky places a string of homemade love beads around her neck and strokes her hair affectionately.
Charlie pulls out onto the
Squeaky produces a small leather pouch and taps a few TABS OF ACID into her hand.
Now, Brenda… I need you to close your eyes and
stick out your tongue so I can give you your present.
As Brenda opens her mouth to comply, Squeaky puts a TAB of ACID on her tongue.
Okay, now swallow it down like a good little girl.
What is it?
It’s God… And nothing’s better for you than God…
Squeaky gives a TAB to Dede who doesn’t need any encouragement. Then she offers one to Sue who refuses, shaking her head to say no.