Thursday, December 29, 2005

Responsibility Starts at Home

These are Pat/Katie's Mom and Dad. They look just like my mom and dad. I would guess they look just like YOUR mom and dad. Here they are doing a news conference. In it they are stating that she was just your average little girl, just like all of yous are just average human beings.

Except average human beings do not slaughter their fellow human beings without any discernible reason.

Now, if you are here you probably do not believe that Charlie "hypmotized" his followers and "made" them do it.

I do believe Katie did it to please Charlie so that she could continue to fit in the only place she ever felt fitted in to. Apparently she was a hairy bitch and that didn't bother Charlie or Tex. There is a humdinger of a scene in Watkins' self-serving book where Clem goes down on Katie in front of the whole group at Charlie's instructions.

But still, for whatever excuses, Katie DID it.

Is Bug right? Do some of us have murder already running through our veins? Or is it like situational ethics- that is , if not for "A" plus "B" AND plus "C" coming together, no one would have ever heard of the homely girl from Alabama?

Just wonderin'.

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